Imperial German Army's original Model-1907/10 uniform replaced the dark
blue M1895 as a multi-purpose parade and field uniform. This early
version of the field gray uniform retained the various trimmed cuff
styles (Aufschläge)
associated with the M1895, namely: the Brandenburg, Swedish, Polish
styles. These decorative cuffs, along with the collar patchwork (Kragenpatten)
were an indicator of the soldier's regimental association.
The M1910 was replaced toward the latter part of 1915 by the more
practical M1915 Feld- und Friedens- Uniform, which included the Waffenrock
M1915, used by soldiers for more formal occasions,
and the Feldgraue
Bluse, specifically designed for field
Both of the M1915 tunics did away with the traditional regimental
trimming and instead sported plain barreled cuffs. German generals
typically wore an M1910 tunic variant with breast pockets, as seen in
the example to the right with Exzellenz von Scheffer-Boyadel.