Kadetten-Korps: cadet corps |
Kaiser: emperor |
Kanone: large gun, cannon |
Kanonier: gunner, artillery man; serving in field or foot artillery units |
Kar 88: carbine model 1888; also used was the Kar 98 and 98A |
Karabinier: carabinier; private serving in Saxon heavy artillery regiments |
Kassen-Abteilung (B1): Finance Section; in War Ministry's Army Administration Department (BD) |
Kavallerie: cavalry |
Kavallerie-Abteilung (A3): Cavalry Section; in War Ministry's General War Department (AD) |
KFZ: Kraftfahrzeug |
KG: Kommandierender General |
kleiner Rock: officer's double-breasted dress tunic, worn after 1915 |
Kokarde: cockade; circular insignia on headgear designating state of unit's origin |
Koller: cuirassier's tunic |
Kolonne: column |
Kommandant: commanding officer; a city's military governor |
Kommandantur: garrison headquarters, commandant's office |
Kommandeur: commander; general reference to the commander of a division, brigade, regiment or battalion |
Kommandierender General (KG): commanding general; commander of an army corps |
kommandiert: detailed; temporarily assigned to unit (for training, probation etc) but remaining assigned to another unit |
kommandiert zur Dienstleistung: on special assignment; temporarily attached to a unit |
Kommando: command |
Kompanie: company; usually comprised of three platoons and normally commanded by a Hauptmann. |
Königsjäger: Imperial German Jäger; serving in Jäger zu Pferde Regiment Nr.1 |
Korporalschaft: squad; same as 'Gruppe' but only in basic training units |
Korps: corps (see Armeekorps) |
Kraftfahrtruppen: motor vehicle troops |
Kraftfahrzeug: truck |
Krätzchen: field cap, fatigue cap; circular cap without visor; see Feldmütze |
Krieg: war |
Kriegsakademie (Preußische Kriegsakademie): Prussian War College; facility located in Berlin dedicated to training future general staff officers |
Kriegsgliederung: order of battle |
Kriegsminister: War Minister; on mobilization the War Minister went to Great Headquarters with his mobile staff, leaving his deputy in charge. |
Kriegsministerium: War Ministry |
Kürassier: cuirassier; mounted soldier distinguished by his wearing of the cuirass, an armored breastplate which covered him from neck to waist. |
K.u.K.: Austro-Hungarian; Kaiserlich und Koeniglich |
Landesaufnahme: Topographical Mapping Department; the Prussian General Staff's geographical survey office |
Landsturm: home guard; 3rd-line reservists who served within the boundaries of the German Empire. Two groups: those aged 17 to 20 and awaiting call-up, and those aged 39 to 45 who had previously served in the Landwehr. |
Landsturmmann: reservist soldier in the home guard |
Landwehr: territorial army (usually not translated); those aged 27 to 38 who had completed seven years of active duty, acting as secondary reserve support for regular army units. |
Lebensmittelwagen: provisions wagon |
Leib~ : body guard, lifeguard; ie Leibgarde-Regiment |
Leibgendarmerie: military guard at Hauptquartier, charged with protecting the Kaiser |
leichte: light (not heavy) |
Leutnant: second lieutenant; usually commands company or platoon. |
Litewka: undress or loose tunic; loose service jacket with fly front - basically an updated kleiner Rock |
Litzen: decorative braid or bars found on the collar/cuff of designated regiments (ie: Guard Regts) |
Luftfahrt-Abteilung (A7L): Aviation Section; in War Ministry's General War Department (AD) |
Luftschiff: airship |
Luftstreitkräfte: air force |
M1910: uniform adopted by German Army in 1910 to serve as mult-purpose parade and field uniform. |
M1915: uniform adopted in 1915 with Bluse for field wear and Waffenrock for more formal occasions |
Major: major; usually commands regiment or battalion. |
Mantel: greatcoat, overcoat |
Marine: navy |
Maschinengewehr Kompanie (MGK): machine-gun company; usually comprised three platoons with two guns per platoon |
Materialwagen: material wagon |
Medizal-Abteilung: Medical Department; department MA in War Ministry, headed by Dr von Schjerning |
MG 08: Maxim heavy machine gun; model 1908 |
MG 08/15: light machine gun developed from the MG 08 |
MGK: Maschinengewehr Kompanie |
Minenwerfer: trench mortar |
Minister des königliches Hauses: Minister of the Royal House; managed Kaiser's personal affairs; August Graf zu Eulenburg 1907-18 |
Ministerial-Abteilung (Z1): Ministerial Section; in War Ministry's Central Department (ZD) |
Mobilmachung: mobilization; also known as M-Tag |
Mörser: large caliber howitzer; generically translated as mortar |
M-Tag: mobilization day |
Munitionskolonne: munitions column (convoy) |
Musketier: musketeer, rifleman; officer not serving with a front-line regiment, i.e. general staff officers, war ministry, etc. |
Nachrichten-Abteilung: signal troops detachment |
Nachrichtendienst: German Intelligence Service (see Geheimer Nachrichtendienst) |
ND: Nachrichtendienst |
Nichtregimenter Offizier: non-regimental officer; serving in Prussian infantry regiments |
Oberbefehlshaber: commander-in-chief, supreme commander; usually refers to the commander of a numbered army or an army group |
Obergefreiter: senior private; serving in foot artillery unit |
Oberjäger: senior chasseur; same rank as Unteroffizier but serving with Jäger or Schützen battalion |
Oberkommando in den Marken: High Commander in the Mark; wartime military leader in Berlin (Gen. Gustav von Kessel); with name taken from the historical reference to the March (Margraviate) of Brandenburg |
Oberleutnant: first lieutenant, senior lieutenant; usually commands company or platoon |
Ober-Militär-Prüfungs-Kommission: Military Examination Authority; board of senior military personnel overseeing the qualification process for commissioning as a Prussian officer |
Ober-Quartiermeister: senior quartermaster; third in command of a numbered field army, responsible for supplies and communications lines |
Oberhof- und Hausmarschall: Senior Marshal of the Court and the Household; responsible for court expenditures, festivities, ceremonial issues, audiences, trips, 76 royal palaces, and about 500 servants; Hugo von Reischach 1914-18 |
Oberkommando in den Marken: Supreme Command of Mark Brandenburg; highest regional military authority in Berlin |
Oberst: colonel; usually commands brigade or regiment |
Oberste Heeresleitung (OHL): Supreme Army Command |
Oberstkämmerer: High Chamberlain; highest ranking court official in His Majesty's service; Friedrich Furst zu Solms-Baruth 1899-18 |
Oberstleutnant: lieutenant colonel; usually commands regiment or battalion |
Oberst-Lieutenant: lieutenant colonel; modified to Oberstleutnant after 1 Jan 1899 |
Offizier von der Armee: officer of the Army; officer awaiting a new appointment or with an impending retirement, in both cases having relinquished their former established post. |
Offizierstellvertreter: senior NCO in officer's appointment, deputy officer |
OHL: Oberste Heeresleitung |
ohne Patent:
temporary promotion; officer is temporarily promoted to fill position along
with expectation that he would receive a Patent upon attaining the required seniority, i.e. Hauptman o.P., see Patent |
OKM: Oberkommando in den Marken |
Ordens-Verleihungen: Awards Presentations |
Ordonnananzug: orderly dress; one of the four main orders of formal dress - 1914 |
Packwagen: baggage wagon |
Paletot: overcoat |
Paradeanzug: parade dress, review dress; one of the four main orders of formal dress - 1914 |
Patent: permanent promotion; officer is officially promoted to given rank, see ernannt and ohne Patent |
Pelzmütze: busby; fur cap worn by Hussars |
Pensions-Abteilung (C2): Army Pensions Section; in War Ministry's Supply & Legal Department (CD) |
Pferde-Depot: horse depot |
Pickelhaube: spiked helmet |
Pioniere: combat engineers, sappers, pioneers; sometimes left untranslated |
Portepée: sword knot; worn by NCOs and officers |
Portepée-Fähnrich: officer cadet; modified to Fähnrich after 1 Jan 1899 |
Pour-le-Merite: Blue Max (Blauer Max); highest Prussian award for bravery |
Premier-Lieutenant: first lieutenant; modified to Oberleutnant after 1 Jan 1899 |
Preußische Hauptkadettenanstalt: Prussian Military Academy; located in Groß-Lichterfelde and in operation from 1822 to 1918 |
Preußische Kriegsakademie: Imperial Prussian War Academy; staff college located in Berlin, 74 Unter den Linden. Founded by Scharnhorst in 1810, prerequisite for appointment to German General Staff. |
Proviant-Kolonne: provisions column |
Providentiae Memor: Remember Providence; Saxon military motto |
Provisorische Bau-Abteilung (U5): Construction Section; in War Ministry's Billeting Department (UD) |
Radfahrer: cyclist |
RAK: Reserve-Armeekorps |
Rang: rank |
Regiment: regiment; usually comprised of three battalions and (until 1915) one machine-gun company; a cavalry regiment was comprised of four squadrons. Normally commanded by an Oberst or Oberstleutnant. |
Reichs-Militär-Gericht: |
Reitendes Feldjäger-Korps: Mounted Feldjäger Corps; Prussian military police type unit subordinate to the General Staff |
Reiter: mounted troop; serving with Bavarian heavy cav (Schwere Reiter) units |
Reitpferd: saddle horse |
Remonte-Inspektion: Remount Inspectorate; War Ministry Department RI |
Reservekorps: reserve corps |
Reservist: reserve troop |
RID: Reserve Infanteriedivision |
RIR: Reserve Infanterieregiment |
Ritter: count, knight, sir; General Karl Ritter von Fasbender |
Rittmeister: captain; serving in cavalry, supply or airborne units (see Hauptmann) |
Sani: medic |
Sanitäts-Kompanie: medic company |
Schako: shako; visored helmet worn by Jäger. Schützen, Landsturm and MGK troops |
Scheinwerferzug: searchlight section |
Schirmmütze: service cap; visored cap in dress or crusher style; see Dienstmütze |
Schlacht: battle |
Schlanke Emma: "Slim Emma"; the Skoda 305mm howitzer |
Schlossgarde-Kompanie: Palace Guards; headed by Max von Mutius and charged with guarding royal palaces and parks |
Schmiedewagen: farrier's wagon (blacksmith) |
Schütze: rifleman; serving in Schützen or machine gun units |
Schützenbataillon: rifle battalion |
SCHWELFA: Schwereste Flachfeuerartillerie |
schwer: heavy |
Schwere Reiter: Bavarian heavy cavalry; originally cuirassier and guard units, there were two regiments at mobilization |
Schwereste Flachfeuerartillerie (SCHWELFA): heavy flat trajectory artillery; heaviest guns which targeted bridges and reinforced command posts; included own air observation and survey units |
Sekonde-Lieutenant: second lieutenant; modified to Leutnant after 1 Jan 1899 |
Sektion: section; usually comprised of two or three squads. Normally commanded by an Unteroffizier or Sergeant. |
Sektion IIIb: Section IIIb; Imperial Germany's Military Intelligence Service, later named Abteilung IIIb; see Nachrichtendienst |
Sergeant: sergeant |
Soldat: soldier, private |
Spieß: first sergeant |
Stab: staff |
Stabsoffiziere: field grade officers; major, lt. colonel, colonel |
Stahlhelm: steel helmet, trench helmet, coal scuttle; styles = M1916, M1917, M1918 |
Stellenbesetzung: command and staff positions; appointment, posting |
Stollen: tunnel; deeply dug underground barracks holding up to 1,000 troops, a fixture at Verdun |
Sturmtruppen: stormtroops; assault troops of 14-18 men, variously armed with light machine guns, automatic rifles or light mortars. |
Subalternoffiziere: subalterns; lieutenant |
Suchscheinwerfer: search light |
Tank-KFZ: fuel truck |
Telegraphen~ : telegraph |
Train: supply train |
Traingemeiner: supply train soldier; two yrs service (Prussian/Bavarian) |
Trainkolonne: supply column |
Trainsoldat: supply train soldier; one yr of service (Prussian/Bavaria) or two yrs service (Saxon) |
Trupp: squad, group; an ad hoc sub-unit of a "Gruppe" |
Tschapka: lance helmet; square-topped headgear worn by uhlan troops |
Überrock: frock coat, "uberrock"; knee-length great coat |
Überweisung: transfer |
überzählig: supernumerary; assigned to unit's officer pool, without a billet, same as aggregiert |
Übungs-Abteilung (U3): Maneuvers Section; in War Ministry's Billeting Department (UD) |
Ulan: uhlan, lancer; member of the elite of an Prussian cavalry unit modeled after the Tatar lancers. Equivalent to a British lancer. There were 21 regiments at mobilization, but they were rendered almost powerless during the War by the machine gun. |
Ulanka: double-breasted tunic worn by uhlan troops, two rows of seven buttons |
unter Belassung zur Dienstleistung bei...: while still temporarily attached to... |
Unterkunfts-Abteilung (B4): billeting section; in War Ministry's Army Administration Department (BD) |
Unterkunfts-Departement (UD): Billeting Department ; War Ministry's Department UD, aka Accomodation Deptarment |
Unteroffizier: corporal |
verabschiedet: retired |
Verband: unit |
Verkehrs-Abteilung (A7V): Transportation Section; in War Ministry's General War Department (AD) |
Verkehrstruppen: transport troops |
Verleihung: presentation; see Ordens-Verleihungen |
verliehen: awarded, bestowed, granted |
Verpflegungs-Abteilung (B2): Peacetime Rationing Section; in War Ministry's Army Administration Department (BD) |
versetzt: transferred; moving to a follow-on assignment, with a billet |
Versetzung: transfer |
Versorgungs-Abteilung (C3): Supply Section; in War Ministry's Supply & Legal Department (CD) |
Versorgungs & Justiz-Departement: Supply and Justice Department, in the War Ministry |
Vize-Feldwebel: vice sergeant-major (U.S. = staff sergeant) |
Vize-Wachtmeister: vice sergeant-major (U.S. = staff sergeant); mounted or artillery units |
Vorratswagen: supply wagon |
vortragender Generaladjutant: Senior Adjutant General, Kaiser's closest military advisor (see diensttuender Generaladjutant) |
Wachtanzug: guard dress; one of the four main orders of formal dress - 1914 |
Wachtmeister: sergeant-major; administrative posting for company HQ - mounted or artillery units |
Waffenrock: dress tunic, uniform jacket; same as Feldrock |
Wehrmann: territorial soldier; serving in Landwehr regiments |
Werkstatt-KFZ: repair truck |
Wetterwarte: meteorological service |
wirklicher Geheimer Kriegsrat: High Privy Councillor |
ZD: designator for the Zentral-Departement |
z.D.: zur Disposition |
Zentral-Departement: Central Department; War Ministry department ZD |
Zug: platoon; usually comprised of four sections. Normally commanded by an Oberleutnant, Leutnant, Feldwebel-Leutnant, or Offizierstellvertreter. |
Zugpferd: draft horse |
zur Disposition gestellt: placed on active reserve statue; retired officer available for further service, i.e. Generalmajor z.D. |
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