à la suite [1]: in the entourage of (fr); honorary regimental command granted to deserving generals; the general has no command authority but could wear that regiment's colors. |
à la suite [2]: on the rolls of; officer temporarily detached to other unit but remaining "on the rolls of" or paid by his parent unit. |
Abschied: discharge; ie Abschied mit Pension aus der aktiven Heer bewilligt = discharge from active military duty approved along with full pension |
Abschiedsgesuch: tendered resignation; ie in Genehmigung des Abschiedsgesuches mit der gesetzlichen Pension zur Disposition gestellt = tendered resignation authorized with full pension and assigned to active-reserve status |
Abt: Abteilung |
Abteilung (Abt): detachment, unit, battalion (artillery) |
Abwehr: defense |
a.D.: außer Dienst |
AD: designator for the Allgemeines Kriegs-Departement |
Adjutant: adjutant, aide-de-camp |
Adjutantur: administrative staff |
aggregiert: attached, regimental asset; assigned to unit's officer pool, without a billet, see überzählig, etatsmäßig |
AK: Armeekorps |
AKA: Artilleriebekämpfungsartillerie |
Allgemeines Kriegs-Departement (AD): General War Department; War Ministry department with the following subordinate sections: infantry, cavalry, field artillery, foot artillery, engineers & pioneers, transport, aviation, and factories. |
Alpenkorps: Alpine Corps; an elite mountain division composed of light infantry and Bavarian guard troops |
angestellt: assigned; ie bei den Res. Offizieren des Regts. angestellt = assigned to reserve officer status with current regiment |
AOK: Armee-Oberkommando |
Arko: Artillerie-Kommandeur |
Armee: field army; composed of two or more corps (see AOK) |
Armee-Abteilung: army detachment; usually not translated, there were four main detachments during the war, lettered A through D and going by the name of the commander. generally smaller in strength and armament than a numbered Army command. |
Armee-Abteilung (A1): Army Section; in War Ministry's General War Department (AD) |
Armee-Gruppe: group, army roup; elements of a field army formed for a specific period or task. (compare with Heeresgruppe) |
Armee-Inspektion: army inspectorate; there were eight pre-war inspectorates, from which the field armies were formed. |
Armee-Korps (AK): army corps; 25 army corps on 2 Aug 1914, usually comprised two divisions with various corps-level support troops, and commanded by a General or Generalleutnant. |
Armee-Oberkommando (AOK): field army; in August 1914 the largest autonomous formation was the AOK, of which there were eight based on the eight pre-war inspectorates. Ten more AOKs were formed as the war progressed. |
Armee-Verwaltungs-Departement (BD): Army Administration Department; this War Ministry department was dissolved upon mobilization with its director joining the Quartermaster-General's department as Intendant General of the Field Army. The administration department was reestablished in March 1915 due to military's increased volume of work in the areas of finance, food, and uniform issue. |
Armierungs~ : equipment |
Artilleriebekämpfungsartillerie (AKA): artillery countery battery |
Artillerie-Kommandeur (Arko): artillery command(er); in early 1917, field and foot artillery assets were combined into the ARKO which controlled all big guns within a divisional sector. |
Attila: Hussar's jacket with embroidered frogging on the front |
Ausgehanzug: walking out dress; one of the four main orders of formal dress - 1914 |
außer Dienst: retired status; a retired officer could be recalled to active duty, ie Generalmajor a.D. |
Avantageur: officer cadet (Fahnenjunker) |
Bataillon: battalion; usually comprised of four rifle companies (approx. 1000 soldiers); in 1915 a machine-gun company was added to each battalion. Normally commanded by an Oberstleutnant or Major. |
Batterie: artillery battery; company-size artillery unit (4 - 6 guns) |
Bau-Abteilung (U4): Construction Section; in War Ministry's Billeting Department (UD) |
bayerisch: bavarian |
BD: designator for the Armee-Verwaltungs-Departement |
Befehlshaber: commander |
befördert: promoted |
Beförderung: promotion |
Bekleidungs-Abteilung (B3): Clothing Section; in War Ministry's Army Administration Department (BD) |
(unter) Belassung zur Dienstleistung bei...: while still temporarily attached to... |
Beobachtungs~ : observation~ |
Bergmütze: mountain cap |
Bezirk: recruiting district |
Blauer Max: Blue Max, Pour-le-Merite; highest Prussian award for bravery |
Bluse: field-gray tunic; worn in field, see M1910 and M1915 |
Brigade: brigade; comprised of two regiments, one cavalry regiment and one Jaeger battalion; in 1915 the brigade was reduced to administrative staff function. Normally commanded by a Generalmajor or Oberst. |
Brückentrain: bridging (pontoon) train |
CD: designator for the Versorgungs & Justiz-Departement |
charakter: brevet promotion; honorary rank with specific seniority but without the pay, i.e. Generalmajor ch., often used to honor a retiring officer who was not able to make rank |
charakterisiert: brevetted |
Chef: chief, commander (of a company) |
Chef des Generalstabes des Feldheeres: Chief of General Staff of the Field Army ; general in charge of Germany's Supreme Army Command (see Oberste Heeresleitung); also chief of general staff is the title for the general who was second in command of a numbered army high command (AOK) or an army corps (AK) |
Chevaulegers: Bavarian light cavalry; similar to the Dragoons, eight regiments at mobilization |
Degen: dagger, sword |
Deutscher Krieg: Austro-Prussian War 15.06.1866 to 23.08.1866 (lit: German War) |
Deutsch-Dänischer Krieg: Danish-Prussian War 01.02. to 30.10.1864 |
Deutsch-Französischer Krieg: Franco-Prussian War 19.07.1870 to 10.05.1871 |
Dicke Berta: "Big Bertha"; the Krupp 420mm heavy howitzer |
Dienst: duty, service; see außer Dienst |
Dienstgrad: rank |
Dienstleistung: duty, service; ie: zur Dienstleistung der I. Armeekorps ernannt = appointed for duty with I. Armee Corps |
Dienstmütze: service cap; visored cap in dress or crusher style; see Schirmmütze |
Dienstpflicht: mandatory military service |
diensttuender Generaladjutant: senior aide-de-camp to the Kaiser; see vortragender Generaladjutant |
Disposition: active reserve; see zur Disposition gestellt |
Division: division; comprised of two brigades and one field arty brigade...in 1915 changed to three regiments and one field arty regiment (one brigade-level staff remained); in 1914 a cavalry division was comprised of three cavalry brigades. Normally commanded by a Generalleutnant or Generalmajor. |
Divisions-Stabs-Quartier: divisional headquarters |
Dragoner: dragoon; heavily armed mounted soldier, originally employed as mounted infantry, but by WW1 the 26 Dragoon regiments were part of the cavalry |
Drillichanzug: fatigue dress; very light-gray in color |
Einheit: unit |
Einjährig-Freiwilliger: one-year volunteer; educated reserve officers who reduced their period of service to one year by purchasing their own equipment and clothing. |
einrangiert: transferred; placed in an open billet (between being aggregiert and versetzt) |
Eisenbahn: railway |
Eisernes Kreuz: The Iron Cross; a military decoration for outstanding heroism instituted in 1813 by Friedrich Wilhelm III. There were three basic classes of the medal: Iron Cross Second Class, Iron Cross First Class, Grand Cross (only 5 recipients during Great War), and Iron Cross with Gold Breast Star (2 recipients: von Blücher and von Hindenburg) |
Erkennungsabzeichen: dog tags |
Erkundungsergebnisse: reconnaissance results; intelligence summary of enemy dispositions and intentions |
Ermattungsstrategie: war of attrition |
ernannt: acting, temporary; an officer's temporary promotion, same as ohne Patent, see ohne Patent and Patent |
Ernennung: appointment, designation |
Ersatz~ : replacement~; i.e.: Ersatzbataillon = replacement battalion |
Ersatz Reserve: replacement reservists; these were generally untrained contingency soldiers who were fit for military service but had not been called up, either due to domestic reasons or minor disabilities; they trained three times per year and after twelve years passed to the Landsturm. |
Ersatz- Versorgungs- und Justiz-Departement (CD): Replacements, Supply, & Legal Department; War Ministry department |
Ersatzwesen-Abteilung (C1): Replacement Troops Section; in War Ministry's Supply & Legal Department (CD) |
erteilt: granted (as in permission); i.e.: die Erlaubnis zum Trage der Uniform des 1.Regiments erteilt = granted permission to wear the uniform of the 1st Regiment |
Eskadron: cavalry squadron |
Etappe: transport and communications troops |
Etappen~ : Lines of Communication |
Etappen-Gebiet: Lines of Communication Area; area behind lines occupied by a field army & controlled by the Etappen-Inspektion |
Etappen-Inspektion: Lines of Communication inspectorate; designation for the rear-area command attached to every numbered or named army, responsible for the smooth flow of supplies and men to the front, the evacuation of wounded and furloughed personnel, and civil administration. |
Etappen-Inspektor: Lines of Communication Inspector; usually had to rank of a divisional commander |
Etappen-Kommandantur: Lines of Communication District; located within the Etappen-Gebiet |
Etappen-Kommandant: District Commandant in charge of Lines of Communication |
etatmäßig: established billet, budgetary; unlike überzählig, an etatmäßig officer filled a unit's established billet |
etatmäßiger Oberstleutnant beim Stab: regimental staff officer; deputy commander being prepared for promotion to Oberst |
Exzellenz: excellency, lieutenant general (Generalleutnant) and above addressed as "Euer Exzellenz" (your excellency) |
Fabriken-Abteilung (B5): Factories Section; in War Ministry's Army Administration Department (BD) |
Fähnrich: officer cadet, ensign; graduate of a Kadettenschule who is serving in a regiment prior to being commissioned; included with senior NCOs. He was senior to a sergeant and upon passing exam was senior to Vize-Feldwebel. |
Fahnenjunker: officer cadet; holding a certificate from a Gymnasium (university prep school) this candidate passed a required examination and also served in a regiment prior to commissioning |
FEKA: Fernkampfartillerie |
Feldabzeichen: field badge; worn on headgear to show state of origin |
Feldartillerie: field artillery; artillery elements organic to infantry or cavalry formations, generally of lighter calibers, see Fussartillerie |
Feldartillerie-Abteilung (A4): Field Artillery Section; in War Ministry's General War Department (AD) |
Feldartillerie-Brigade: field artillery brigade; comprised of two field arty regiments; this level of command disappeared in mid-1915 |
Feldartillerieregiment: field artillery regiment; comprised of two Abeilungen (sections); in 1915 comprised of three Abteilungen and directly subordinate to the division |
Feldbäckerei: field bakery, field kitchen |
Feldbluse: field-gray tunic, field blouse; worn in field, see M1910 and M1915 |
Feldflieger-Abteilung: field aviation detachment |
Feldgendarmerie: military police |
feldgrau: field gray; standard German military uniform color adopted by 1907 |
Feldhaubitze: field howitzer |
Feldkanone: field gun (artillery) |
Feldlazarett: field hospital |
Feldmütze: field cap, fatigue cap; circular cap without visor; see Krätzchen |
Feldpost: Army Postal Service |
Feldrock: dress tunic, uniform jacket; same as Waffenrock |
Feldwebel: company sergeant-major; administrative posting at company HQ |
Feldwebelleutnant: sergeant-major-lieutenant; usually commands company or platoon. |
Feldzeugmeister: chief of Prussian Ordnance Department |
Feldzeugmeisterei: Prussian Ordnance Department; autonomous agency located in Berlin and responsible for procurement, production, and maintenance of all war materiels and field equipment; reorganized in September 1916 into the Department for Procurement of Arms & Munitions and subordinated to the War Ministry. |
Fernkampfartillerie (FEKA): long range artillery; tasked with hitting command posts, ammo dumps and reserve concentrations |
Fernsprech-Abteilung : telephone detachment |
Festung : fortress |
FLAK: Flugabwehrkanone |
Flammenwerfer: flame thrower |
Flugabwehrkanone (FLAK): anti-aircraft gun |
Flügeladjutant: aide-de-camp; an assistant to a prince (in a general's rank) |
Freiherr: baron; hereditary title of nobility - General Walther Freiherr von Lüttwitz |
Friedensuniform: peacetime uniform |
Füsilier: fusilier, rifleman |
Fuhrpark: supply park |
Fuhrpark-Kolonne: vehicle park column |
Funker-Abteilung: radio detachment |
Furchtlos und Treu: Fearless and Faithful; Württemberg's military motto |
Fußartillerie: foot artillery; artillery attached to a corps- or army -level HQ, generally of a heavier caliber and with a greater concentration of howitzers than for Feldartillerie |
Fußartillerie-Abteilung (A5): Foot Artillery Section; in War Ministry's General War Department (AD) |
Futterwagen: feed wagon |
Garde: guard formation; elite Prussian units charged with protecting the King; later designation applied to specific divisions and corps during World War I |
Garde du Corps: an elite Prussian heavy cavalry regiment formed in 1740 |
Garderegiment zu Fuß: foot guards regiment |
Gardist: guardsman; serving with guard regiments |
Gebirgs~ : mountain |
Gefreiter: lance corporal, senior private |
Geheimer Nachrichtendienst: Imperial German Military Intelligence Service |
Gemeiner: common foot soldier |
General der Artillerie: general of artillery; usually commands field army or army corps |
General der Infanterie: general of infantry; usually commands field army or army corps |
General der Kavallerie: general of cavalry; usually commands field army or army corps |
Generaladjutant: adjutant general; an assistant to a general (see: Flügeladjutant; diensttuender Generaladjutant; and vortragender Generaladjutant) |
Generalfeldmarschall: field marshal; usually commands army group or field army |
Generalintendant des Feldheeres: intendant general; General Staff position overseeing admin and supply services in the field army |
Generalintendantur: general staff administrative section |
Generalität: general grade officers |
Generalkapitän: captain general; Bavarian senior commander of the "Hartschiere" |
Generalkommando: general command; headquarters staff for numbered army corps |
Generalkommando z.b.V: General Command for specific purposes; |
Generalleutnant: lieutenant general; usually commands army corps or division |
General-Lieutenant: lieutenant general; modified to Generalleutnant after 1 Jan 1899 |
Generalmajor: major general; usually commands division or brigade |
Generaloberst: colonel general (senior general); usually commands field army |
General-Ordens-Kommission: general orders issuing committee |
General-Quartier-Meister: quartermaster general; general staff officer (Ib) in charge of administration and supply at headquarters |
1.Generalquartier-Meister (Erster Generalquartiermeister): First Quartermaster General; title invented for Ludendorff in 1916 as Hindenburg's chief of staff at OHL Headquarters |
Generalstab: general staff |
Generalstabs-Offizier: general staff officer; head of division-level general staff |
GenKdo: Generalkommando |
Gerätewagen: equipment wagon |
Geschütz: gun |
Gewehr: rifle |
Gliederung: structure, order of battle (see Kriegsgliederung) |
Gott mit Uns: May God be with Us; Prussian military motto |
Graf: count; General Felix Graf von Bothmer |
Granatenwerfer: grenade launcher, mortar |
Grenadier: grenadier |
Großer Generalstab: Great General Staff |
Gruppe: squad, group; usually eight foot soldiers within a squad, the basic tactical infantry unit |
Gruppen~ : group |
Halbzug: half-platoon (see Zug) |
Hartschiere: honorary company serving the bavarian king (see Generalkapitän) |
Hauptkadettenanstalt: see Preußische Hauptkadettenanstalt |
Hauptleute: company grade officers; captain |
Hauptmann: captain; usually commands battalion or company. (see also Rittmeister) |
Hauptquartier: headquarters |
Hausmarschall: Marshal of the Household; assisted Hofmarschall in dealing with the royal family and its possessions |
Heer: army |
Heeresgruppe: army group; two or more field armies (AOK) |
HKK: Höhere Kavallerie Kommandeur |
Höherer Kavallerie Kommandeur (HKK): senior cavalry commander, cavalry corps |
Hofmarschall: Marshal of the Court; superintended the royal kitchen, ceremonies, excursions, and invitations to Court affairs |
Husar: hussar; member of an elite cavalry regiment originally modeled after the brightly-dressed Hungarian light cavalry of the 17th century. The mounted soldier often carried a lance, but the scope of Hussar activity was fairly limited by 1914. The word originates from the obsolete Hungarian term for highway robber. There were 20 Hussar regiments at mobilization. |
ID: Infanteriedivision |
IKA: Infanteriebekaempfungsartillerie |
In Treue Fest: Be Firm in Faith; Bavarian military motto |
Infanteriebekämpfungsartillerie (IKA): artillery which specifically engaged infantry units. 75% of German artillery guns were assigned to IKA |
Infanterie-Abteilung (A2): Infantry Section; in War Ministry's General War Department (AD) |
Infanterist: infantryman; serving in Bavarian infantry regiments |
Ingenieur- und Pionier-Abteilung (A6): Combat Engineers Section; in War Ministry's General War Department (AD) |
Inspektion: inspectorate |
Intendant: intendant; administrative supply officer on a general staff |
Intendantur: commissariat; Army supply department (except for weaponry & munitions) |
Intendantur-Abteilung (Z2): Financial Section; in War Ministry's Central Department (ZD) |
Invaliden-Haus: clinical facility in Berlin caring for disabled military members |
IR: Infanterieregiment; sometimes appears as "J.R." in german script |
Jäger: chasseur, light infantryman; usually not translated, a soldier who was more lightly equipped than a standard infantryman. In mid-1700s specialist troops were recruited from the ranks of hunters (Jaeger = hunter). The very elite Jaeger battalions (only 18 during WW1) were attached to cavalry divisions and were often used for skirmishing and scouting. Also referred to as chasseur (Fra) or scout (U.S.) |
Jäger zu Fuß: foot Jäger; |
Jäger zu Pferde: mounted Jäger; grouped in regiments |
JR: see IR |
Junker: squire; member of the Prussian landed aristocracy. The German officer corps of 1914 was largely an aristocratic, landowning elite. Term originates from Old High German word for Young Lord. |
Justiz-Abteilung (C4): Legal Section; in War Ministry's Supply & Legal Department (CD) |
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