Oskar Philipp von Chelius
(28.07.1859 - 12.06.1923)
place of birth: 
Königreich Preußen:  Mil-Bevollmächtiger, General à la suite SM, Generalleutnant  (Kav)

Imperial German general Oskar von Chelius served in Kaiser Wilhelm II's court as an adjutant, and he was also engaged as Prussia's military attaché to Tsarist Russia during the pre-War era. Von Chelius was likewise highly regarded as a musical composer, sometimes using the pseudonym S. Berger.

Oskar von Chelius was born into the family of Privy Councilor from Baden Philipp von Chelius and his spouse Harriet neé Parisch. He was also the grandson of the noted surgeon Maximilian Joseph von Chelius. Before entering the military service, Oskar studied classical music in Mannheim, Leipzig, and
Berlin. He specialized in the works of Richard Wagner, and became one of his most avid supporters in Imperial Germany.

Although he chose to pursue a career as a military officer, von Chelius remained active his entire life as a composer of operas, symphonies, chamber music, and chorales. Later, as a member of Kaiser Wilhelm II's royal court, he would often play concerto pieces for Wilhelm and his military entourage. As, a young officer-in-training, he met Wilhelm during military maneuvers in Mark Brandenburg. They became fast friends, with Prince Wilhelm openly appreciative of von Chelius' musically virtuosity. In 1888, Oskar married Hedwig von Puttkamer, a daughter of Prussian Minister of Interior Ludwig von Puttkamer and niece of Otto von Bismarcks' wife Johanna. The couple had four children. Hedwig drowned in Bavaria's Königssee in 1923, the same year that Oskar died.

Given his personal relationship with the Kaiser, von Chelius was brought into Wilhelm's military cortege in 1898 as an aide-de-camp. In this capacity, he was also sent to Rome for a five-year stretch where he carried out the important role of Imperial Germany's military attaché to that nation. After returning to Berlin to accept the prestigious command  of the Leib-Guard Hussar Regiment, von Chelius was again brought back into the Kaiser's entourage. He had direct access to Wilhelm and accompanied him on excursions in his imperial yacht. General von Chelius was also posted as military attaché in Russia and was recalled to the Kaiser's main headquarters when Germany mobilized for the Great War

Generalleutnant  17.02.1914



Curriculum Vitae  
01.10.1881 3. Badisches Dragoner-Regiment ,,Prinz Karl Nr. 22 - Mühlhausen i.E.  (Fahnenjunker)
13.05.1882 Portpeé-Fähnrich
14.10.1882 Sekonde-Lieutenant
20.10.1883 Leib-Garde-Husaren-Regiment - Potsdam
16.06.1886 Leib-Garde-Husaren-Regiment - Potsdam  (regimental Adjutant)
24.12.1890 Premier-Lieutenant
00.00.1891 Großer Generalstab - Berlin  (detached from Leib-Garde-Husaren-Regiment)
27.01.1894 Rittmeister
27.01.1894 Großer Generalstab - Berlin
27.01.1895 Garde-Korps - Berlin  (on Hugo von Winterfeld's general staff)
15.02.1896 Leib-Garde-Husaren-Regiment - Potsdam  (Squadron Cdr)
27.01.1898 Garde-Kavallerie-Division - Berlin  (on Graf von Wartensleben's general staff)
02.11.1899 Major
16.11.1899 Flügeladjutant SM des Kaiser und Königs - Rom  (aide-de-camp in HM Wilhelm II's court, detached to German Embassy in Rome)
16.11.1899 Deutsche Botschaft:  Militärattaché - Rom  (German military attaché in Rome, Italy)
25.02.1905 Oberstleutnant
02.07.1905 diensttuender Flügeladjutant SM des Kaiser und Königs  (orderly aide-de-camp in HM Wilhelm II's court)
21.09.1906 Leib-Garde-Husaren-Regiment - Potsdam  (Cdr, concurrent with above)
11.09.1907 Oberst
16.06.1910 General à la suite SM des Kaiser und Königs  (General a la suite in HM Wilhelm II's court)
21.04.1911 Generalmajor
17.02.1914 Generalleutnant
03.05.1914 Militärbevollmächtigter am Kaiserlich Russischen Hofe - St Petersburg  (German military envoy to Russia) 
Great War  
02.08.1914 Generaladjutant SM des Kaiser und Königs  (Adjutant General in HM Wilhelm II's court)
01.04.1917 Kaiserliche Deutsche Generalgouvernement Belgien - Brüssel  (appointed for duty in Belgium)
05.11.1918 General-Ordens-Kommission - Berlin  (President of the Commission on Military Orders, replaced von Jacobi)
00.00.1919 zur Disposition gestellt




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