Friedrich Wilhelm Karl von Württemberg
(06.11.1754 - 30.10.1816)
place of birth:  Treptow an der Rega, Hinterpommern
Königreich Württemberg:  Seine Majestät der König,  Generalmajor


Friedrich I. ruled turn-of-the century Württemberg
as that kingdom's first monarch. He served as Duke of Württemberg from to 1797 to 1803, and then briefly as Elector from 1803 to 1806. Napoleon Bonaparte then elevated him to King, with Friedrich formally ascending the throne in January 1806. In short order, Württemberg seceded from the Holy Roman Empire and became part of Napoleon's Confederation of the Rhine. Friedrich's son Wilhelm followed him as king upon Friedrich's death in 1816. Friedrich I was also renowned for his large stature, weighing in at over 400 lbs. and standing 6'11".


König von
01.01.1806 - 30.10.1816

Generalmajor  00