Sir Benjamin Thompson Reichsgraf von Rumford
(26.03.1753 - 21.08.1814)
place of birth:  Woburn, Massachusetts Bay (United States)
Königreich Bayern:  Generalstabschef, Generalleutnant


Sir Benjamin Thompson was a British colonist in America who later moved to Bavaria and functioned as the Kingdom's first chief of general staff. During the American Revolution, loyalist land-owner Thompson abandoned his family and became a military advisor to the British forces. After the colonies gained their independence, Thompson took up residence in England with the idea that his  brilliant career as a soldier was over.

Thompson left for the European continent in 1784 and on his way to Vienna made the acquaintance Maximilian Joseph, who was to later serve as Bavaria's first king Maximilian I. Through this connection, Thompson ended up serving as Bavarian Kurfürst (Prince-Elector) Karl Theodor's top military advisor. In 1788, he was tasked with reorganizing the Bavarian Army which had degenerated into a very poor state, with the common soldier being poorly paid, clothed, and nourished. At the same time he was pushing to improve conditions in the army, Thompson was additionally credited with the design and creation of downtown Munich's famous Englischer Garten. These efforts lead to his elevation in 1791 into the nobility of the Holy Roman Empire as "Reichsgraf von Rumford" (Imperial Count of Rumford). In 1792, Thompson became the Kingdom of Bavaria's first Chief of General Staff, a position he held for six years.


Generalstabschef 10.02.1792  -  00.00.1798

Generalleutnant  00.00.0000