Adolf Freiherr von Thielmann
(27.04.1765 - 10.10.1824)
place of birth: Dresden, Sachsen (Saxony)
Preußen: General der
As a Saxon-born cavalry officer, Freiherr von Thielmann saw
action against the French during the Revolutionary Wars. He later
fought with the Prussian Army at Jena (1806) and in
the defense of Danzig (1807). As a colonel in the Freikorps,
he opposed the 1809 Austrian advance into Saxony. Promoted to lt.
general, he commanded Saxon forces in the 1812 Battle of
Borodino, thereby attracting the attention of
General von Thielemann was then elevated into
the nobility by the King of Saxony but refused an order to join
Napoleon's forces in 1813. He defeated Lefebvre-Desnouettes at Altenberg
that same year and then commanded the III. Corps of Field Marshal von Blücher's Prussian Army during the Hundred
Days War. His forces fought at Ligny and
held off General Grouchy at Wavre, while von Blücher's other three corps descended on
Napoleon's right flank at Waterloo.

der Cavallerie |
00.03.1824 |