Hans Lothar von Schweinitz
(30.12.1822 - 23.06.1901)
place of birth:  Gut Klein Kirchen, Lüben

Königreich Preußen:  Botschafter,  Generaladjutant SM,  General der Infanterie


General Hans von Schweinitz
served as an Imperial German diplomat in Austria and Russia prior to the Great War. Schweinitz entered military duty in 1840 with the 1. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß in Potsdam. He was selected a personal adjutant to Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm (Kaiser Friedrich III.) in 1857 and following promotion to Major, was dispatched in 1860 as Military Attaché in Vienna. He was engaged in his first military action during the Danish War of 1864 (Deutsch-Dänischer Krieg).

Von Schweinitz spent a year in St. Petersburg as Prussia's military plenipotentiary (Militärbevollmächtigter) and returned home to serve in Prussian Great Headquarters during the
Austro-Prussian War of 1866 (Deutscher Krieg). Following the war, he was sent back to St. Petersburg as military plenipotentiary. In October 1869, von Schweinitz was brevetted to Generalmajor and simultaneously named as General à la suite of Kaiser Wilhelm I.  He was transferred to Vienna in December 1869 as diplomatic envoy and with the mission of preventing closer ties between Austria and France during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71 (Deutsch-Französischer Krieg).

Following the war, he was officially designated as Imperial Germany's Ambassador to Austria. He was transferred to St. Petersburg in January 1876 and promoted to General-Lieutenant on 22.03.1877 (Patent.)  He was relieved of his posting in December 1892 and soon thereafter retired from active duty. General von Schweinitz's son Wilhelm served during World War One as military attaché in Rome and the Hague.


General der Infanterie  20.09.1884
Kriegs-Denkmünze Deutsch-Dänischer Krieg  1864
Erinnerungs-Kreuz Deutscher Krieg 1866
Schwarzer Adler-Orden 28.11.1900