Benignus Ritter von Safferling
(30.11.1824 - 04.09.1899)
place of birth:  Freising, Bayern  (Bavaria)
Königreich Bayern:  Kriegsminister, General der Infanterie


General von Safferling served in the Royal Bavarian Army as an infantry officer from 1841 through 1893. Safferling saw action during the Austro-Prussian War of 1866. He additionally served at the rank of Major during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71, functioning as a staff officer with Bavaria's 1st Infantry Division. In 1890, General von Safferling was appointed to replace Adolph von Heinleth as Bavaria's Minister of War, a position he held for three years.


Kriegsminister   06.05.1890  -  05.05.1893

General der Infanterie  20.09.1890
Armee-Denkzeichen Deutscher Krieg 1866  (Königreich Bayern)

Eisernes Kreuz II  Deutsch-Französischer Krieg  1870–1871
Militär-Max-Joseph  15.09.1870  Ritter
Verdst-Ord Bayr-Krone 00.00.0000  Großkreuz