Clemens Wenzel Freiherr von Raglovich und zum Rosenhof
(29.06.1766 - 03.06.1836)
place of birth:  Dillingen, Bayern  (Bavaria)
Königreich Bayern:  Generalstabschef, General der Infanterie


General Clemens von Raglovich served as his the Bavarian Kingdom's army chief of general staff and was an infantry officer during the Napoleonic Wars (1792-1815). In peacetime, von Raglovich became the director of topographic bureau and incorporated it into the Royal Bavarian Army. As Bavarian Chief of General Staff (Chef des Generalquartiermeisterstabes), von Raglovich additionally served as a member of the Reichsrat, Bavaria's imperial assembly.


Generalstabschef 24.10.1820  -  03.06.1836

General der Infanterie  01.01.1823
Militär-Max-Joseph  26.09.1807   Ritter