August Wilhelm von Neumann-Cosel
(17.04.1786 - 20.05.1865)
place of birth:  Neiße, Oberschlesien
Königreich Preußen:  Chef des Militärkabinetts,  General der Infanterie


August von Neumann was a Prussian general during the mid 19th century who served as King Friedrich Wilhelm IV's Military Cabinet Chief. August was the son of Royal Prussian general David von Neumann, elevated into the Prussian nobility in 1779, who was commandant of Fortress Cosel from 1802 to 1807. August entered military service at the age of 14 and was wounded numerous times during the 1806 campaign against Napoleon. He also received battle wounds during the Napoleonic Wars of 1813-15 (die Befreiungskriege).

Neumann worked his way through the ranks until 1840 when as a Generalmajor, he was selected to serve as General Adjutant to Friedrich Wilhelm IV. The following year he succeeded Karl von Lindheim as the King's Military Cabinet Chief (Chef des Militärkabinetts). He asked to be released from this post during the German Revolutions of 1848 in order to command combat troops in the field. He retired from active duty at the age of 70 and with the rank of General der Infanterie, receiving the prestigious Order of the Black (Schwarzer Adlerorden) for his outstanding and steadfast military service. General von Neumann died in 1865 in Berlin and is interred there in the Garnisonfriedhof.


Mil-Kabinettschef  22.07.1841  -  08.07.1848

General der Infanterie  22.03.1853
Schwarzer Adler-Orden 00.00.1857