Karl Wilhelm Ritter von Lobenhoffer
(04.09.1843 - 19.10.1901)
place of birth:  Erding, Oberbayern
Königreich Bayern:  Generalstabschef, General-Lieutenant


Generalleutnant von Lobenhoffer served in the Royal Bavarian Army as chief of general staff from 1896 to 1901. Lobenhoffer also simultaneously functioned as Inspector-General of Bavaria's military education institutions. Lobenhoffer began his military service in October 1861 with a Bavarian artillery regiment. In 1863, he switched to the infantry, joining 9th Regiment as a Junker and receiving his commission a year later.

During the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, Lobenhoffer fought against Prussia as an ordinance officer serving in the 7th Brigade. Following the war, his studies were at Bavaria's military academy were interrupted by mobilization for the Franco-Prussian War. Fighting as an ordinance officer with 3rd Brigade, he saw action at Beaumont, Sedan, and Orleans. He was severely wounded at Loigny-Poupry but recovered relatively quickly. After the hostilities, Lobenhoffer was sent to Berlin to serve in Prussian Great General Staff headquarters from 1883 to 1886.

Returning to Bavaria, he was promoted to Generalmajor in 1894 and took command of 3rd Infantry Brigade. For his meritorious leadership during peacetime, he was awarded the Ritter (Knight class) of the Bavarian crown's order of merit - the Verdienstorden der Bayerischen Krone. The official presentation of the decoration in 1895 elevated him into Bavarian nobility with the title of "Ritter von Lobenhoffer." In December 1896, he was appointed Generalstabschef (Bavarian Chief of General Staff) and received a promotion to General-Lieutenant in 1898. He soon thereafter succumbed to a heart attack and was laid to rest in Munich.


Generalstabschef 27.12.1896  -  26.10.1901

General-Lieutenant 00.00.1898
Armee-Denkzeichen Deutscher Krieg 1866  (Königreich Bayern)
Eisernes Kreuz II  Deutsch-Französischer Krieg  1870–1871
Militär-Max-Joseph  00.00.0000  Ritter
Verdst-Ord Bayr-Krone 20.01.1895  Ritter