Emil Friedrich Karl von Lessel
(12.12.1847 - 09.12.1927)
place of birth:  Erfurt

Königreich Preußen:  KG China-Expedition,  Generalleutnant


Prussian general Emil von Lessel
served as commanding general of the Ostiasiatisches Expeditionskorps, Germany's contingent of 11,000 troops dispatched to China in the summer of 1900 in response to the Boxer Rebellion. Generalleutnant von Lessel remained in China for one year and then returned to Europe in 1901 for convalescent leave and eventual retirement from active duty. Upon entering military service in 1866, Lessel saw front-line duty during the Austro-Prussian campaign and in Prussia's 1870 war with France. He later functioned as Chief of Staff at I. Armeekorps headquarters in Königsberg, as well as Oberquartiermeister (Senior Quartermaster) at Great General Staff headquarters in Berlin.


Generalleutnant  09.06.1900
Erinnerungs-Kreuz Deutscher Krieg  1866

Eisernes Kreuz II  Deutsch-Französischer Krieg  1870–1871
China-Denkmünze Ostasiatisches Expeditionskorps  1900-01