Christian Wilhelm Freiherr
von Jeetze
(27.12.1785 - 12.04.1852)
place of birth: Potsdam, Brandenburg (Prussia)
Bayern: Generalstabschef,
Wilhelm von Jeetze headed up Bavarian General Staff headquarters
1847-1848. Wilhelm was born into the Prussian nobility of Brandenburg-Bayreuth.
Since that area was part of France in the early 1800s, Jeetze initially entered
military service with the French Army. He transferred to a Bavarian military
unit in 1815 and was soon additionally enrolled in the Bavarian nobility. He
attained the rank of Generalmajor by 1847 and was then selected as
Generalquartiermeister, the office which at that time headed up Bavaria's
General Staff.
His son Theodor (1811-1883) also served in the Bavarian Army as a
Generalleutnant and adjutant to King Ludwig I.
Generalstabschef |
- 11.11.1848 |

Generalmajor |
07.04.1847 |