Albrecht Ernst Stellanus Graf von Holtzendorff
(16.01.1792 - 24.02.1882)
place of birth:  Bärenstein, Osterzgebirge
Königreich Sachsen:  Kriegsminister,  General-Lieutenant


General Graf von Holtzendorff was a Royal Saxon military officer who in 1848 briefly served as Saxony's Minister of War. After entering military service, he immediately saw action as a 17-year old Fähnrich in 1809 during the Napoleonic Wars in central Europe. In recognition of this, he was awarded the Ritterkreuz (Knight's Cross) of Saxony's highest military order - the Militär-St-Heinrich-Orden.


Kriegsminister   16.03.1848  -  24.11.1849

General-Lieutenant  13.08.1849
Militär-St-Heinrich 04.08.1809  Ritter