Karl Ludwig Friedrich Bernhard Freiherr von Holleben genannt von Normann
(30.07.1824 - 06.10.1897)
place of birth:  Unterköditz (Königsee)
Königreich Sachsen:  Generalstabschef,  General der Infanterie


Bernhard Freiherr von Holleben served as Saxon War Minister during the 1870s. Launching his military career in 1849, Holleben fought against Prussia in the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, serving as a Hauptmann on the general staff of Saxony's 2nd Infantry Division. Holleben was transferred to the Royal Saxon Army's General Staff and was in that posting as Saxony fought alongside the Prussians during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71.

After the hostilities in France, Holleben was in Berlin for three years as Saxon's chief liaison Kaiser Wilhelm I's military entourage. Upon his return to Dresden, Holleben was once again active at General Staff headquarters, eventually rising to serve as Chief of Saxony's General Staff through 1883. He later commanded an infantry brigade and Saxony's 2nd Infantry Division, retiring from active duty in 1892.


Generalstabschef   00.00.1873  -  00.00.1883

General der Infanterie  22.01.1892 
Erinnerungs-Kreuz Deutscher Krieg 1866  (Königreich Sachsen)
Eisernes Kreuz I Deutsch-Französischer Krieg  1870–1871
Militär-St-Heinrich 29.09.1870  Ritter