Wilhelm Gustav Karl Bernhard von Hahnke
(01.10.1833 - 08.02.1912)
place of birth:  Berlin

Königreich Preußen:  Chef des Mil-Kabinetts, Generaladjutant SM, Generalfeldmarschall


Prussian field marshal
Wilhelm von Hahnke served as Kaiser Wilhelm II's adjutant general from 1911 to 1912. He was also Count von Schlieffen's son-in-law. Wilhelm began his military career as a 2nd Lieutenant in Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr.1 in Berlin. He served as a company commander during the Danish-Prussian War of 1864. He also served as a member of Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm von Preussen's Second Army general staff during the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, and again in the same staff during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71.

General von Hahnke
functioned as Chief of Kaiser Wilhelm II's Military Cabinet from 1888 to 1901, and in January 1905 he was promoted to field marshal and was appointed as Kaiser Wilhelm II's General Adjutant. General von Hahnke died on 8 February 1912.


Mil-Kabinettschef  07.08.1888  -  02.05.1901

Generalfeldmarschall  01.01.1905
Kriegs-Denkmünze Deutsch-Dänischer Krieg  1864
Erinnerungs-Kreuz Deutscher Krieg  1866

Eisernes Kreuz I  Deutsch-Französischer Krieg  1870–1871
Verdst-Ord Bayr-Krone 00.00.0000  Großkreuz
Schwarzer Adler-Orden 00.00.0000