Friedrich Wilhelm Kurfürst von Brandenburg
(16.02.1620 - 29.04.1688)
place of birth:  
Coelln-Meissen  (Berlin)
Königreich Preußen:  Seine Majestät der König,  Chef der Armee


Friedrich Wilhelm, der große Kurfürst von Brandenburg
, was the son and successor of Georg Wilhelm, ruling as Brandenburg's Great Elector from 1640 to 1688. At his accession to the throne, the scattered lands of the Hohenzollerns were devastated and depopulated by the Thirty Years War and occupied by Swedish troops. Friedrich Wilhelm  immediately negotiated an armistice with Sweden and then turned to building his military strength. Beginning with few resources and no dependable troops, he raised an efficient army. 

At the Peace of Westphalia
, which ended the Thirty Years War, Friedrich Wilhelm received Eastern Pomerania and several other territories. He joined Sweden in its war against Poland (1655–60) but deserted the Swedes after Russia and Denmark entered the war. In a treaty with Poland (1657) he obtained recognition of his sovereignty over Prussia, previously held as a fief of the Polish crown. Now allied against Sweden, he gained Western Pomerania, but was deprived of it by the Peace of Oliva (1660). 

In the succeeding years, Friedrich Wilhelm continued in his attempt to consolidate his widely scattered lands, at the same time trying to avoid French or Hapsburg domination. In the Dutch War of 1672–78 he achieved his objective of uniting all of Pomerania, but was forced to give up his conquest as a result of the peace between France and the Holy Roman Empire. His prestige was nevertheless enormously enhanced by his brilliant victory at Fehrbellin (1675) over France’s Swedish allies. He laid the foundation of the Prussian state by repressing the estates, strengthening central administration, husbanding the resources of his lands, improving communication, and building the army. His son Friedrich I became the first king of Prussia in 1701.


von Brandenburg 
01.12.1640  -  29.04.1688

Generallieutenant  00