Georg Leo Graf von Caprivi de Caprara de Montecucculi
(24.02.1831 – 06.02.1899)
place of birth:  Berlin-Charlottenburg
Königreich Preußen:  Ministerpräsident,  KG,  General der Infanterie


Former army officer
and head of the admiralty who succeeded Bismarck as German chancellor in 1890. He was a Prussian but of Italian and Slavic origin. Caprivi took part in the Austrian campaign of 1866, being attached to the staff of the First Army. In 1870-71, during the Franco-Prussian War, he was Chief of Staff for X. Army Corps (part of the Second Army) and took part in battles before Metz as well as in those around Orleans

In 1883 Caprivi was made chief of the admiralty, where he commanded the fleet and represented the department in the Reichstag. He resigned in 1888 and was appointed commander of the X. Army Corps. Bismarck had already referred to Caprivi as a possible successor, for Caprivi had shown great administrative ability and was unconnected with any political party, and in March 1890 he was appointed chancellor, Prussian minister president, and foreign minister. Under Caprivi, the antisocialist law was abrogated and military service was shortened from three to two years. Favoring industrial over agrarian interests, he negotiated a series of reciprocal trade agreements to stimulate industrial exports. The agreements reduced duties on agricultural products and aroused agrarian opposition to Caprivi, which contributed to his dismissal in 1894.


Ministerpräsident  20.03.1890  -  22.03.1892

General der Infanterie 14.04.1888
Erinnerungs-Kreuz Deutscher Krieg  1866

Eisernes Kreuz I  Deutsch-Französischer Krieg  1870–1871
Schwarzer Adler-Orden