Ludwig II. Otto Friedrich
Wilhelm König von Bayern
(25.08.1845 - 13.06.1886)
place of birth: München,
Schloss Nymphenburg, Bayern
Bayern: Seine
Majestät der König
Ludwig II. followed his father
Maximilian II. as King of Bavaria, his controversial reign lasting from
1864 until his suspicious suicide in 1886. Ludwig spent a great deal of
his childhood at the family castle near Füssen, Hohenschwangau,
but he was never close to his parents. During his reign, the Kingdom of
Bavaria sided with Vienna as Austria went to war with Prussian in 1866.
Austria's defeat resulted in Ludwig having to accept a mutual defense
treaty with Prussia, a pact which culminated in Bavarian troops being
called upon to fight again three years later, only this time as
Prussia's ally in battle versus the French.
Prussia's victory in 1871
emboldened them to conclude efforts to unify the minor German kingdoms
and principalities under one flag and one ruler, Ludwig's uncle Kaiser
Wilhelm I. Although Ludwig officially endorsed the new Empire, he
privately was very unhappy and indeed sent his uncle Luitpold to attend
the crowning ceremony in Versailles. The Bavarian
delegates were nonetheless able to win significant concessions,
allowing them to retain control of their own Army, the diplomatic
corps, post office, and railways.
King Ludwig II. thereafter withdrew from the
political scene and devoted himself to what became perhaps his greatest
legacy: the extravagant pet project castles, Schloss
Neuschwanstein, Linderhof,
and Herrenchiemsee. He was intimately involved in
all phases of the planning and construction of hese monuments, which
earned him the nickname "The Fairy Tale King." His obsession also stood
as evidence to some that he had severe mental problems, and they
preferred the moniker of "Mad King Ludwig." After he was deposed due to
unproven mental issues, Luitpold took over as Prinzregent and Ludwig
soon thereafter committed suicide. He had been held captive under the
watchful eye of his personal physician at Schloss Berg,
along the banks of Lake Starnberg. Both he and his
doctor were found dead in the shallow waters near the lake's shore the
day after Ludwig II. had been officially deposed.
von Bayern |
- 13.06.1886 |
Schwarzer Adler-Orden |