Adolf Karl Sebastian Alois Freiherr von Asch zu Asch auf Oberndorff
(30.10.1838 - 18.02.1906)
place of birth:  München, Bayern  (Bavaria)
Königreich Bayern:  Kriegsminister, General der Infanterie


General von Asch served in the Royal Bavarian Army as an infantry officer from 1858 through 1893. Asch saw action in both the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 and the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71, where he worked as General von der Tann's adjutant in Bavaria's I. Army Corps. In 1893, General von Asch was appointed to replace Ritter von Safferling as Bavaria's Minister of War, a position he held for almost twelve years.


Kriegsminister   05.06.1893  -  04.02.1905

General der Infanterie  12.03.1899
Armee-Denkzeichen Deutscher Krieg 1866  (Königreich Bayern)
Eisernes Kreuz II Deutsch-Französischer Krieg  1870–1871
Verdst-Ord Bayr-Krone 00.00.0000  Großkreuz