Hans Ludwig Udo von Tresckow
(07.04.1808 - 20.01.1885)
place of birth:  Jerichow bei Magdeburg
Königreich Preußen:  KG,  General der Infanterie ch.


Prussian general officer Udo von Tresckow
launched his military career in 1824 when he joined the Jäger Battalion. During the Danish War of 1864 (Deutsch-Dänischer Krieg), Oberst von Tresckow was in command of Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 53, whose troops were engaged at Düppeler Schanzen (Dybbol).  Von Tresckow began the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 (Deutscher Krieg) in command of the the same regiment, but was later selected to head up the combined Garde-Infanterie-Brigade.

The Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71 (Deutsch-Französischer Krieg) saw von Tresckow in command of 1. Landwehr-Division which was charged with the investment of city of Strasbourg, France. He was promoted to General-Lieutenant prior to war's end, and was awarded the Pour le Mérite on 17 February 1871. General-Lieutenant von Tresckow retired from active duty  in 1875 (zur Disposition gestellt), whereupon he received the brevet rank of General der Infanterie.


General der Infanterie 12.05.1875  ch.
Kriegs-Denkmünze Deutsch-Dänischer Krieg  1864
Erinnerungs-Kreuz Deutscher Krieg  1866

Eisernes Kreuz I  Deutsch-Französischer Krieg  1870–1871

Pour le Mérite  17.02.1871