Karl Theodor Fürst von Thurn und Taxis
(17.07.1797 - 21.06.1868)
place of birth:  Prague
Königreich Bayern:  KG, General der Kavallerie


Theodor von Thurn und Taxis served as a Royal Bavarian General der Kavallerie and commanding officer of both the I. and II. Army Corps. He was the fourth son of Bohemian Prince Maximilian Joseph von Thurn und Taxis and Princess Maria Eleonore von Lobkowitz. Theodor launched his military career in 1814 with the Chevauxlegers-Regiment Nr. 4 „König“ in Augsburg. He participated in the campaign of 1815 and attained the rank of Generalmajor by 1830.

General von Thurn und Taxis commanded Bavaria's II. Army Corps after it was reactivated in November 1848, with headquarters in Würzburg. It was during this command that King Maximilian II. promoted von Thurn und Taxis to the rank of General der Kavallerie, as well as a life-time member of Bavaria's Royal Assembly (Reichsrat). In January 1851, he replaced Graf von Ysenberg-Philippseich as commander of Bavarian I. Army Corps in München. Although sickly and 70 years old, General von Thurn und Taxis nonetheless lead Bavarian troops during the Austro-Prussian War of 1866. Following Bavaria's defeat, von Thurn und Taxis retired from active duty and died soon thereafter in München.



General der Kavallerie 06.08.1850
Armee-Denkzeichen Deutscher Krieg 1866  (Königreich Bayern)