Heinrich Ludwig August von Thümen
(30.12.1757 - 15.03.1826)
place of birth:  Gut Stücken, Potsdam
Königreich Preußen:  KG,  General-Lieutenant


General August von Thümen
commanded Prussia's V. Armeekorps in Posen from 1815 to 1820. He began his military career in 1769 at the age of 11 and saw his first action during the War of Bavarian Succession 1778-1779 (Bayerischer Erbfolgekrieg). Von Thümen then took part in the Polish Campaign of 1794 and later was decorated with the Pour le Mérite.

As commander of Infanterie-Regiment von Kunheim, he and his troops were engaged at Lübeck during the War of the Fourth Coalition 1806-1807 (Vierter Koalitionskrieg). He additionally participated in the German Campaign of 1813-1815 (Befreiungskriege) when he was awarded both the 2nd and 1st Class edition of the Iron Cross.  Von Thümen was promoted to General-Lieutenant in February 1814 and then selected to command what would become V. Armeekorps headquarters in Posen. He retained this posting for the next five years and had the task of organizing the first Landwehr (home guard) troops in that sector. General von Thümen retired from active duty on 26 January 1820. His son Wilhelm also later served in the Prussian military at the rank of General-Lieutenant.


General-Lieutenant  21.02.1814

Pour le Mérite  15.06.1802  (Eichenlaub:  21.10.1813)
Eisernes Kreuz I  Befreiungs-Kriege  1813-1815