Friedrich Wilhelm Paul Nikolaus Fürst von Radziwill
(19.03.1797 - 05.08.1870)
place of birth:  Berlin

Königreich Preußen:  KG,  Generaladjutant SM,  General der Infanterie


Prince von Radziwill
came from one of the oldest lines of Lithuanian royals, the Radziwills. In 1852, he was appointed commander of 4th Army Corps headquartered in Magdeburg, after which he succeeded Prince August von Württemberg as commander of 3rd Army Corps in Berlin. From 1860 until his retirement in 1868, Fürst von Radziwill served as Chief of the Corps of Combat Engineers and Inspector General of Imperial Prussian Fortresses. His son Anton served as general adjutant and trusted advisor to Kaiser Wilhelm I.


General der Infanterie  12.07.1855

Pour le Mérite  19.09.1848
Schwarzer Adler-Orden 15.10.1861