Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Ludwig von Jagow
(08.09.1771 - 02.12.1857)
place of birth:  Wolfshagen, Brandenburg
Königreich Preußen:  KG,  General der Infanterie


Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Ludwig von Jagow
was the commanding general of IV. Armeekorps headquarters in Magdeburg from 1821 to 1836. Jagow launched his military service as a pre-teen in 1785. Attaining the rank of Hauptmann, he was first engaged in combat during War of the Fourth Coalition 1806-1807 (Vierter Koalitionskrieg) and was a participant in the Battle of Auerstedt, Thuringia.

Six years later found Major von Jagow attached to 10. Infanterie-Brigade as they fought in the German Campaign of 1813-1815 (Befreiungskriege). Although wounded at the Battle of Großgörschen, he remained on the front lines and later distinguished himself during the Battle of Bautzen. He saw further action throughout Germany and France and as a Generalmajor and brigade commander, was part of the Prussian forces helping to beat Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo in June 1815. For his efforts and leadership during the campaign, von Jagow was later decorated with the Iron Cross First Class and the coveted Pour le Mérite medals.

During the post-war years, von Jagow was given command of Prussia's 8. Division in 1818 and was assigned to command IV. Armeekorps in Magdeburg from 1821 to 1830, and then from 1832 to 1836. In September 1833, General von Jagow was decorated with the Ritter des Schwarzen Adlerordens (Knight of the Black Eagle), Prussia's most prestigious award. He retired from active duty in March 1836 and spent his final years in Berlin.


General der Infanterie  30.03.1832

Pour le Mérite  00.00.1815  (Eichenlaub:  00.00.1815)
Eisernes Kreuz I  Befreiungs-Kriege  1813-1815
Schwarzer Adler-Orden 14.09.1833