August Heinrich Wilhelm von
(18.02.1800 - 19.04.1886)
place of birth: Loschen,
Preußisch Eylau (Bagrationowsk, RU)
Preußen: Stellv KG,
General der Infanterie
General August von Horn served in the Prussian Army beginning
in 1816. Von Horn was wed to Antoinette Freiin d'Orville von Löwenklau.
Of his twelve children, two of them (Karl August and Erich Axel Rudolf)
served as generals in the Prussian Army. August von Horn rose to the
rank of Generalleutnant by 1862 and served as an exemplary commander of
a Prussian infantry division during the the Austro-Prussian
War of 1866. As the Prussians went to war with France in
1870, and with four of General von Horn's sons seeing action there,
August von Horn himself was recalled to active duty to serve as Gustav
von Alvensleben's acting commander at IV. Army Corps headquarters in