Jakob Michael Karl Freiherr von Hartmann
(04.2.1795 - 23.02.1873)
place of birth:  Maikammer
Königreich Bayern:  KG, General der Infanterie


General der Infanterie Jakob Freiherr von Hartmann
was a Bavarian career officer who commanded an army corps from 1869 to 1873. With his uncle being a general in France, Hartmann chose initially to enlist in a light infantry regiment of the French armed forces. He later transferred to the Bavarian military and led an infantry division during the Austro-Prussian War of 1866. After promotion to full general, Freiherr von Hartmann command the II. Bavarian Army Corps during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. He continued in this command after the war, with his corps headquarters located in Stuttgart.


General der Infanterie 08.01.1869
Armee-Denkzeichen Deutscher Krieg 1866  (Königreich Bayern)

Eisernes Kreuz I  Deutsch-Französischer Krieg  1870–1871
Militär-Max-Joseph  22.12.1870 Großkreuz (Komtur: 11.10.1870)
Württemberg MVO  18.10.1870  Großkreuz
Pour le Mérite 01.03.1872