Friedrich Wilhelm Karl von Grabow
(18.10.1783 - 21.10.1868)
place of birth:  Berlin
Königreich Preußen:  KG, Generaladjutant SM, General der Infanterie


Friedrich Wilhelm Karl von Grabow
was in command of Prussia's II. Armeekorps in Stettin from 1849 to 1857. Von Grabow was enrolled in Berlin's Kadettenhaus in 1796 and five years later entered active duty with the Regiment Garde. He took part in the Battle of Auerstedt during the War of the Fourth Coalition 1806-1807 (Vierter Koalitionskrieg). He also participated in the German Campaign of 1813-1815 (Befreiungskriege) and was awarded both classes of the Iron Cross.

During the post-war years, von Grabow steadily rose through the ranks and was charged with the following commands: May 1816 - 8. Infanterie-Regiment (Leib-Infanterie-Regiment); March 1832 - 8. Infanterie-Brigade; March 1838 - 2. Division; March 1848 - Gouverneur of Danzig; September 1849 - 3. Division; November 1849 - II. Armeekorps (Führer).  He received official command of II. Armeekorps in 1851 and continued in this post until retirement in 1857. Thereafter and until his death in 1868, General von Grabow served as adjutant general to King Friedrich Wilhelm IV and Kaiser Wilhelm I.


General der Infanterie  22.03.1852
Eisernes Kreuz I  Befreiungs-Kriege  1813-1815
Schwarzer Adler-Orden 17.01.1856