Ernst Alexander Alfred Herrmann Freiherr von Falkenhausen
(29.10.1878 - 31.7.1966)
place of birth:  Gut Blumenthal, Schlesien  (Silesia, Poland)
Königreich Preußen:  Major

General von Falkenhausen was a Prussian officer during the First World War and was recognized as resistance fighter against the Nazis during the Second World War. He was one of seven children born to Alexander Freiherr von Falkenhausen and Elisabeth Schuler von Senden.  He was married to Paula von Wedderkop, daughter of the Oldenburg Hausmarschall Julius von Wedderkop.  Alexander's younger brother Hans-Joachim also served as a commander in the German SA.

Young Alexander began his military career when he entered the Kadettanstalt at Wahlstatt at the age of twelve. As a newly- promoted Leutnant in March 1897, he joined the 91st Infantry Regiment at Oldenburg to serve under commander Paul von Hindenburg. His first taste of battle came when his unit was dispatched to China to fight in the Boxer Rebellion. Upon his return to Germany, he spent three years at the Prussian Military Academy and was later assigned to the Great General Staff in Berlin. His linguistic abilities in Japanese led to his transfer to Tokyo to serve as Prussian Military Attaché prior to the outbreak of the Great War.

Von Falkenhausen served on various staffs on both the Western and Eastern Fronts the first couple years of the War. After helping coordinate logistics for the Verdun campaign in 1916, he was sent to Turkey where he served with the Second Army, and then was transferred to function as Chief of Staff of the Turkish Seventh Army. His service in Palestine at the time earned him the order of the Pour le Merite. After the War, he first served in the Weimar Republic's Reichswehr. During the Second World War, General der Infanterie von Falkenhausen was the military commander of Belgium and Northern France. He was sentenced in 1951 to twelve years imprisonment in Brussels for the deportation of about 25,000 Belgian Jews and the execution of hostages, but was then released when it was demonstrated that he had in fact had worked to save the lives of Belgian Jews. General von Falkenhausen died in Nassau in July 1966.

Major   22.03.1915

Pour le Mérite  07.08.1918

Curriculum Vitae  
13.03.1897 Sekonde-Lieutenant
01.10.1881 Oldenburgisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 91 - Oldenburg
00.00.1899 2. Ostasiatisches Infanterie-Regiment: Boxeraufstand  (East Asian Expedition Corps, Boxer Rebellion)
00.00.1904 Preußisches Kriegsakademie - Berlin
00.00.1907 Oberleutnant
00.00.1908 Großer Generalstab - Berlin
00.00.1909 Hauptmann
00.00.1910 Großer Generalstab - Berlin  (General Staff)
22.03.1912 Deutsche Botschaft:  Militärattaché - Tokio  (German military envoy in Tokyo, Japan)
Great War  
00.00.1914 89. Reserve-Infanterie-Brigade  (on brigade staff)
26.11.1914 31. Infanterie-Division  (on Alfred von Berrer's general staff)
22.03.1915 Major
14.11.1915 5. Armee  (on Crown Prince Wilhelm von Preußen's general staff)
09.05.1916 Deutsche Militärmission - Konstantinopel  (German military in Turkey)
29.05.1916 Osmanische 2. Armee, Etappen-Inspektion  (Chief of Staff for Line of Communications)
26.03.1917 Heeresgruppe Kaukus  (Marschal Ahmed Izzet Pasha's Chief of Staff)
11.06.1917 Osmanische 7. Armee - Palästinafront   (Chief of Staff)
01.10.1918 Türkisches Hauptquartier: Militärbevollmächtigter - Istanbul  (provisional Military envoy at Turkish Headquarters)




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