Otto Freiherr von Brandenstein
(21.10.1865 - 08.08.1945)
place of birth:  Hohenstein, Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Königreich Preußen:  HKK-Stabschef,  Generalmajor  (Kav)

General von Brandenstein served as an Imperial German officer during the Great War. As German forces pushed into Belgium and France in August 1914, von Brandenstein functioned as General von Hollen's chief of staff with Senior Cavalry Commando 4.  After HKK-4 units were dissolved in December, von Brandenstein was immediately transferred to serve as chief of staff in VII. Corps headquarters, under the command of General Eberhard von Claer. As the War continued, von Brandenstein was very active commanding both his old Hessian Dragoon Regiment, as well as taking the role of temporary commander of various cavalry and infantry brigades. 

In April 1918, Baron von Brandenstein's cavalry brigade was formed into the so-called Detachment Brandenstein, a 3,000 man unit which landed at Loviisa, Finland to help fight the Finnish Civil War. The unit was assigned the task of disrupting the Bolshevist's railway connections and cutting the supply lines between Helsinki and Viipuri. The detachment was later subordinated to the Baltic Sea Division, commanded by General Rüdiger Graf von der Goltz. For his involvement in helping purge Finland of the Bolshevist insurgents, von Brandenstein was awarded the Pour le Merite upon recommendation from General Ludendorff. He retired at the end of the war with the rank of Generalmajor, but was later brevetted as a Generalleutnant (Charakter) on 27 August 1939 for Tannenberg Remembrance Day. Baron von Brandenstein was murdered by Russian activists in 1945.

Generalmajor  18.10.1918

Pour le Mérite  15.05.1918

Curriculum Vitae
10.09.1885 2. Großherzoglich Mecklenburgisches Dragoner-Regiment Nr. 18 - Parchim  (Fahenjunker)
15.04.1886 Portepée-Fähnrich
15.01.1887 Sekonde-Lieutenant
15.12.1890 2. Großherzoglich Mecklenburgisches Dragoner-Regiment Nr. 18 - Parchim  (Adj)
27.01.1895 Premier-Lieutenant
18.11.1897 14. Kavallerie-Brigade - Düsseldorf  (Adjutant)
01.04.1900 Großer Generalstab - Berlin
14.09.1900 Rittmeister
14.09.1900 Großer Generalstab - Berlin  (Adjutant to GGS-Oberquartiermeister)
22.03.1907 Major
24.05.1912 Garde-Dragoner-Regiment (1. Großherzoglich Hessisches) Nr. 23 - Darmstadt  (Cdr)
01.10.1913 Oberstleutnant
Great War
02.08.1914 Höherer Kavallerie Kommandeur 4  =  5. Armee  (Gustav Frh von Hollen's Chief of Staff)
17.12.1914 VII. Armeekorps  (Eberhard von Claer's Chief of Staff)
26.04.1915 Leib-Dragoner-Regiment (1. Großherzoglich Hessisches) Nr. 23  (Cdr)
27.05.1915 16. Kavallerie-Brigade, Führer  (provisional Cdr for wounded Ulrich von Württemberg)
03.07.1915 Leib-Dragoner-Regiment (1. Großherzoglich Hessisches) Nr. 23  (Cdr)
18.08.1915 Oberst
01.09.1915 22. Kavallerie-Brigade, Führer  (provisional Cdr for Adalbert von Wurmb)
01.10.1915 Leib-Dragoner-Regiment (1. Großherzoglich Hessisches) Nr. 23  (Cdr)
21.09.1916 Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 22  (Cdr) 
23.04.1917 30. Infanterie-Brigade, Führer  (provisional Cdr for Gustav Graf von Waldersee)
02.12.1917 3. Garde-Kavallerie-Brigade  (Cdr)
01.04.1918 Abteilung-Brandenstein - Finland  (Cdr Detachment-Brandenstein)
00.08.1918 Ost-See-Division, Infanterie-Brigade-Kommando 6  (Baltic Sea Division under command of Rüdiger Graf von der Goltz)
18.10.1918 Generalmajor
27.02.1919 aus der Armee
27.08.1939 Generalleutnant  (charakter - Tannenbergtag)




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