Friedrich II. Herzog von Anhalt H.
(19.08.1856 - 21.04.1918)
place of birth:  Dessau
Reign:  24.01.1904 - 21.04.1918

Herzogtum Anhalt:  Herzog,  General der Kavallerie


Herzog Friedrich was the son of Friedrich I. von Anhalt-Dessau and Princess Antoinette von Sachsen-Altenburg. Coming from the House of Ascania, he ruled as Duke of Anhalt from 1904 until his death in April of 1918. His brother Eduard succeeded him as Duke until he died in September 1918, after which their youngest brother Aribert continued ruling until his abdication in November 1918. Friedrich II was married to Princess Marie von Baden, brother of Reichs Chancellor Max von Baden.

von Anhalt
24.01.1904 - 21.04.1918

General der Kavallerie  13.09.1911

Dienststellung  Chef.d.Inf.R.93, àls d.1.GardeDrag.R.


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