August Usselmann
(07.02.1860 - 25.09.1914) - kia
place of birth: 
Königreich Bayern:  Bde-Kdr,  Generalmajor

August Usselmann was a Bavarian artillery officer who commanded the 2nd Field-Artillery Brigade at the outbreak of the First World War. He was killed in action in September 1914 at Dompierre.

Generalmajor  07.01.1914

Curriculum Vitae
12.11.1881 Sekonde-Lieutenant
01.10.1890 Premier-Lieutenant
07.11.1896 Hauptmann
20.08.1905 Major
20.07.1906 11. Königlich Bayerisches Feldartillerie-Regiment - Würzburg  (Cdr)
16.10.1908 Oberstleutnant
23.10.1910 Oberst
14.03.1913 2. Königlich Bayerische Feldartillerie-Brigade -  Augsburg  (Cdr)
07.01.1914 Generalmajor
Great War
02.08.1914 6. Königlich Bayerische Feldartillerie-Brigade
25.09.1914 killed in action:  Dompierre, France




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