Viktor Theodor Wilhelm Hahndorff
(20.02.1858 - 05.10.1935)
place of birth: 
Königreich Preußen:  Quartiermeister, Div-Kdr, Generalleutnant

General Hahndorff served the final two years of the Great War as Deputy Chief of General Staff to Field Marshal von Hindenburg. Hahndorff had previously been a division-level commander on both the Eastern and Western Front.

Generalleutnant  01.11.1916

Curriculum Vitae  
11.02.1879 Sekonde-Lieutenant
28.03.1889 Premier-Lieutenant
14.09.1893 Hauptmann
21.05.1906 Oberstleutnant
16.06.1906 4. Badisches Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 66 - Lahr  (Cdr)
19.06.1906 Oberst
19.11.1909 Preußische Kriegsakademie - Berlin  (instructor)
02.05.1912 36. Feldartillerie-Brigade - Danzig  (Cdr)
27.01.1913 Generalmajor
Great War  
29.08.1914 36. Feldartillerie-Brigade  =  8. Armee
25.11.1914 4. Reserve-Division  (replaced von Thiesenhausen)
14.06.1915 107. Infanterie-Division  (replaced von Moser)
01.11.1916 Generalleutnant
16.11.1916 Oberste Heeresleitung, Generalquartiermeister - Pless  (Hindenburg's Deputy Chief of GenStaff, replaced Wild)




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