Formation of the German Company - Aug 1914
Infantry Company
3 Platoons
Company Commmander = Hauptmann or Leutnant
3 Platoon Leaders
1 Officer z.b.V.  (for special use)
1 Sergeant Major  (Feldwebel)
* Company strength  =  254 men
   (5 officers, 19 NCOs, 230 enlisted)
* MG-Company  =  97 men, 7 guns, and 45 horses
Infanterie-Kompanie composed of:
Zug  (3x)
Platoon  =  4 Sections  (Sektionen)
Sektion  (12x)
Section  =  2 Groups  (Gruppen)
Gefechts-Gruppe  (24x)
Group  =  8 soldiers + 1 corporal  (Mannschaften + Gefreiter)

Cron's Imperial German Army 1914-18

and various sources 




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