Karl Ritter von Wenninger  
(13.08.1861 - 08.09.1917) - kia
place of birth:  Berg-Landshut, Niederbayern  (Bavaria)
Königreich Bayern:  Mil-Bevollm,  KG,  Generalleutnant  (Kav)

Karl von Wenninger was an Imperial Bavarian cavalry officer who at the outbreak of World War One was Bavaria's military plenipotentiary at German Supreme Command HQ in Berlin. For his meritorious leadership, he was awarded the Ritter (Knight class) of the Bavarian crown's order of merit - the Verdienstorden der Bayerischen Krone. The official presentation of the decoration elevated him into Bavarian nobility with the title of "Ritter von Wenninger." 

transferred from OHL in November 1914 to take command of the Royal Bavarian Cavalry Division, engaged in pitched battle on the front at Ypres. Remaining in Flanders, von Wenninger was transferred in May 1915 to command 3rd Bavarian Infantry Division. Generalleutnant von Wenninger was awarded the Pour le Mérite in May 1917 for his outstanding leadership of the 3rd Division. Bavarian King Ludwig III also recognized him with the Ritterkreuz (Knight's Cross) of Bavaria's highest military order - the Militär-Max-Joseph-Orden. He was officially presented with the decoration on 23.08.1917.

Kaiser Wilhelm selected Ritter von Wenninger in June 1917 to take over XVIII. Reserve Corps, officially a position for a Prussian commander. A couple days after he left 3rd Division, that unit was almost completely wiped out by a British bombardment. Von Wenninger's headquarters  was initially charged with covering the front near Verdun, but in July was transferred east to fight in Romania. His troops successfully pushed through to the Muncelul area, but General von Wenninger became a victim himself on 8 September during fighting on
Seuclui Heights.

General Karl von Wenninger, who was the son of Oberst Franz Wenninger and Mathilde Forster, also had a son who fought in the Great War. Ralf served as a naval captain and commander of U-Boot UB 55. Like his father, he earned the Pour le Mérite honor in March of 1918 and was additionally a Luftwaffe general during World War Two.

Generalleutnant  07.03.1912
Verdst-Ord Bayr-Krone 27.09.1914  Ritter

Pour le Mérite  01.05.1917

Militär-Max-Joseph  23.04.1917  Ritter

Curriculum Vitae
28.09.1880 Königlich Bayerisches 2. Schweres Reiter- Regiment ,,Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand von Österreich-Este - Landshut  
29.03.1881 Portepée-Fähnrich
23.11.1882 Sekonde-Lieutenant
01.10.1888 Bayerische Kriegsakademie - München  (graduated Sept 1891)
30.09.1891 Equitations-Anstalt - München  (student at the Riding Academy)
24.04.1892 Premier-Lieutenant
00.10.1892 2. Königlich Bayerische Kavallerie-Brigade - Augsburg  (Adjutant)
24.09.1895 Bayerischer Generalstab -  München 
17.03.1897 Rittmeister
00.00.1898 I. Königlich Bayerisches Armeekorps - München  (on Prince Arnulf's general staff)
00.00.1899 Königlich Bayerisches 5. Chevaulegers-Regiment ,,Erzherzog Friedrich von Österreich - Saargemünd  (Squadron Cdr)
00.00.1901 3. Königlich Bayerische Infanterie-Division - Landau  (on Edler von Grauvogl's general staff)
21.09.1902 Bayerische Kriegsakademie - München  (Instructor)   
23.10.1903 Major
00.00.1904 I. Königlich Bayerisches Armeekorps - München  (on Prince Arnulf's general staff)
19.04.1906 Bayerische Kriegsakademie, Studienkommission  (Commission for the Revision of the Field Service Regulations)
19.04.1906 Königlich Bayerisches 1. schweres Reiter- Regt ,,Prinz Karl von Bayern - München  (provisional Cdr, concurrent w/ above)   
20.07.1906 Königlich Bayerisches 1. schweres Reiter- Regt ,,Prinz Karl von Bayern - München  (Cdr)   
08.03.1907 Oberstleutnant
07.03.1909 Oberst
24.09.1909 6. Königlich Bayerische Kavallerie-Brigade - Regensburg  (Cdr)
15.12.1911 Bundesrat des Deutschen Reiches, Bevollmächtigter - Berlin  (Bavarian Military-Liaison)
07.03.1912 Generalmajor
Great War
02.08.1914 Großes Hauptquartier, Bayerischer Militärbevollmächtigter   (Bavarian Military Liaison at German Great HQ)
10.09.1914 Generalleutnant
27.09.1914 in den persönlichen Adelstand erhoben  (elevated into the Bavarian nobility, VOBK)
05.11.1914 Königlich Bayerische Kavallerie-Division  =  6. Armee  (replaced Otto von Stetten)
07.03.1915 3. Königlich Bayerische Infanterie-Division  (replaced Otto Ritter von Breitkopf)
05.06.1917 XVIII. Reservekorps  (replaced Kuno von Steuben)
08.09.1917 killed in action:  Susita, Romania





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