Louis Theodor Richard von
(19.04.1850 - 13.05.1933)
place of birth: Posen
(Poznan, Poland)
Preußen: OBH,
Generaloberst z.D. (Art)
Generaloberst Richard von Schubert
began his military career in 1868 as a lieutenant in a field artillery
regiment. He initially saw action during the Franco-Prussian
War of
1870-71, where he earned the iron cross. By 1902, he had been promoted
to General-Lieutenant, serving as the Ulm Fortress
military governor. In 1907 he was
promoted to General of Artillery. As Inspector General of Field
(1907-11), he successfully campaigned for increased reliance on
tactical field artillery.
At the outbreak of WW1 he was on the
Western Front in command of the XIV Reserve Corps (Karlsruhe), attached
to General Heeringen's Seventh
Army. In September 1914, he transferred to the Eastern Front to assume
of the Eighth Army. This lasted only 2 weeks, however, as Schubert
immediately came
into conflict with General Francois, commander of the Eighth Army's I.
over war strategy in the east. Thus, Schubert returned to
Flanders as commander
of XXVII. Reserve Corps with Duke Albrecht's Fourth Army. He later
commanded Seventh Army (1916-17) in the Aisne
area, receiving the Pour le Merite in 1916. After
being placed on inactive reserve status in early 1917, General von
Schubert retired to Marburg an der Lahn where he lived until his death
on 13 May 1933 (other sources say 15.5.1933).