Roderich Felix Alexander von Schöler
(03.08.1862 - 04.04.1935)
place of birth:  Trier
Königreich Preußen:  Generalintendant des Feldheeres,  KG,  Generalleutnant

The Imperial German Army's Intendant-General during the first half of the Great War, General von Schöler also saw field duty as a divisional commander.  During the final year of the War, he replaced Otto von Plüskow as commander of VIII. Army Corps. It was for his leadership during this period that he was awarded with the Pour le Mérite in 1918. Following the War, von Schöler led his VIII. Corps troops back to Koblenz where he remained in command for a few months. He thereafter was placed in charge of Group Command Nr. 2 in Kassel and retired from active duty at the brevet rank of General der Infanterie. 

Generalleutnant  06.06.1916

Pour le Mérite  30.06.1918

Curriculum Vitae
03.08.1862 Kadettenkorps
12.04.1879 4. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß - Berlin-Moabit
13.11.1879 Sekonde-Lieutenant
22.07.1888 Premier-Lieutenant
01.10.1890 Preußische Kriegsakademie - Berlin
21.07.1893 4. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß - Berlin-Moabit  (from Preussischer KA)
14.09.1893 Hauptmann
14.09.1893 4. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß - Berlin-Moabit  (Coy Cdr)
00.11.1899 Großer Generalstab - Berlin  (detached for duty)
27.01.1900 Major
27.01.1900 Großer Generalstab - Berlin  (Section C2 and CD)
13.02.1905 Großherzoglich Mecklenburgische Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 89 - Schwerin  (Bn Cdr)
10.04.1906 Oberstleutnant
18.05.1907 Bezirkskommando Berlin III - Berlin  (Cdr)
20.04.1909 Oberst
27.01.1910 2. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß - Berlin  (Cdr)
01.10.1912 Generalmajor
01.10.1912 2. Garde-Infanterie-Brigade - Berlin  (Cdr)
04.07.1913 Preußisches Kriegsministerium, Armee-Verwaltungs-Dept BD - Berlin  (Director, Army Admin Dept, replaced von Staabs)
Great War
02.08.1914 Großes Hauptquartier, Generalintendant des Feldheeres  (Intendant-General at Great HQ)
27.04.1916 20. Infanterie-Division, Führer  (temporary Cdr, replaced von Lüttwitz)
06.06.1916 Generalleutnant
21.08.1916 unknown
04.10.1916 Preußisches Kriegsministerium - Berlin  (Deputy Minister of War)
13.12.1916 11. Infanterie-Division  =  VI. Armee-Korps  (replaced von Eisenhart-Rothe)
11.05.1917 VIII. Armeekorps  (replaced Otto von Plüskow) 
12.11.1918 VIII. Armeekorps - Koblenz  (return to HQ for demobilization) 
07.08.1919 Reichswehr-Gruppen-Kommando Nr. 2 - Kassel  (Cdr)
30.09.1920 außer Dienst
30.09.1920 General der Infanterie  (charakter)




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