Hugo Freiherr von Reischach
(01.09.1854 - 12.08.1934)
place of birth: 
 Frankfurt am Main
Königreich Preußen:  Oberhofmarschall

Baron von Reischach served for many years in Kaiser Wilhelm II's court as the Oberhofmarschall, or senior administrative official in charge of the Imperial Court, supervising all of its financial affairs. He had initially served as an Imperial Cavalry officer in the Garde du Corps.

Von Reischach was the son of Hermann Friedrich von Raischach and
Albertine von Bonin. When he married Princess
Margarethe Marie von Ratibor-Corvey, the youngest daughter of the Duke of Ratibor, he thus secured a place in the household of the Empress Augusta. Kaiser Wilhelm II appointed Reischach as Senior Equerry in 1905, putting him in charge of the Imperial stables. In 1914, von Reischach became Wilhelm's Oberhofmarschall and Hausmarschall, remaining in this capacity for the duration of the War.