Veit Ulrich Gustav Gotthold Freiherr Marschall genannt Greiff
(19.05.1863 - 08.05.1923)
place of birth: 
Königreich Preußen:  Chef des Militärkabinetts,  Generaladjutant SM,  Generalmajor

General Marschall-Greiff served as Kaiser Wilhelm II.'s and Imperial Germany's last Military Cabinet Chief.  Ulrich was commissioned on 13 September 1884 as a Sekonde-Lieutenant in the 1. Badisches Leib-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 109. He remained associated with his grenadier regiment until a transfer in 1902 brought him to the Prussian War Ministry in Berlin.  He was selected in 1908 to be part of Moriz Freiherr von Lyncker's Militär-Kabinett, and was von Lyncker's department chief by 1912. He remained at this posting almost throughout the entirety of  the Great War. In late July 1918, Marschall-Greiff replaced von Lyncker as Cabinet Chief and vortragender Generaladjutant, with the task of keeping the Kaiser informed of the daily situation reports.  The Militärkabinett ceased operations on 29 October 1918, and Generalmajor Marschall-Greiff soon retired from active duty.

Generalmajor  16.09.1917

Curriculum Vitae
13.09.1884 Sekonde-Lieutenant
13.09.1884 1. Badisches Leib-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 109 - Karlsruhe
14.09.1893 Premier-Lieutenant
10.09.1898 Hauptmann
10.09.1898 10. Infanterie-Brigade - Frankfurt an der Oder  (detached from GR-109 as Brigade Adjutant)
00.00.0000 1. Badisches Leib-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 109 - Karlsruhe  (Coy Cdr)
16.12.1902 Preußisches Kriegsministerium - Berlin  (Prussian War Ministry, Abteilung B2)
18.07.1905 Major
00.00.1908 Militärkabinett - Berlin  (in Frh von Lyncker's Military Cabinet)
22.04.1912 Oberstleutnant
22.04.1912 Militärkabinett - Berlin  (in Frh von Lyncker's Military Cabinet, Department Chief)
22.04.1914 Oberst
 Great War
02.08.1914 Militärkabinett - Berlin  (in Frh von Lyncker's Military Cabinet, Department Chief)
16.09.1917 Generalmajor
27.07.1918 Chef des Militärkabinetts & vortr. Generaladjutant SM des Kaiser und Königs  (Mil Cabinet Chief in HM Wilhelm II's court, rep Lyncker)
28.10.1918 zur Disposition gestellt




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