Kurt Ernst August Friedrich Freiherr von Manteuffel 
(04.01.1853 - 26.02.1922)
place of birth:  Genthin
Königreich Preußen:  Stellv Generalstabschef,  Stellv KG,  General der Infanterie ch.

Imperial German general Kurt von Manteuffel served during the Great War as Acting Chief of Great General Staff headquarters. Kurt enlisted in the 2. Magdeburgisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 27 as Prussia marched into France to fight the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71 (Deutsch-Französischer Krieg.) After returning to Germany and completing studies at the Kriegsakademie, Manteuffel had a series of staff officer assignments, including at Great General Staff headquarters and as III. Armeekorps Chief of Staff.

Freiherr von Manteuffel was selected in 1901 to command 4. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß in Berlin-Spandau, and with promotion to Generalmajor in 1903 as commander of 14. Infanterie-Brigade in Halberstadt. He was promoted to Generalleutnant in 1907 and transferred to Erfurt to take command of 38. Division. He then took over the reins of Prussia's Kriegsakademie (War College) from 1909 until retiring from active duty in 1913.  With mobilization, General z.D. von Manteuffel was reactivated in order to serve as Helmuth von Moltke's Acting Chief of Great General Staff headquarters in Berlin. When von Moltke was relieved of his field command, he returned to Berlin in December 1914 to replace Manteuffel in this posting, and General von Manteuffel was then transferred to Karlsruhe to function as Acting Commander of XIV. Armeekorps headquarters until August 1916. Von Manteuffel had two sons, Henning and Kurt, who were both killed in action during the War.

General der Infanterie  07.04.1911  ch.

Kriegsveteran  Deutsch-Französischer Krieg  1870–1871

Curriculum Vitae
19.07.1870 Deutsch-Französischer Krieg von 1870–1871   (combatant in the Franco-Prussian War)
30.08.1870 2. Magdeburgisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 27
08.04.1871 Portepée-Fähnrich
09.03.1872 Sekonde-Lieutenant
01.10.1876 Preußische Kriegsakademie - Berlin   (graduated July 1879)
16.09.1881 Premier-Lieutenant
14.04.1885 Großer Generalstab - Berlin  (transferred from IR27)
15.10.1885 Hauptmann
29.12.1885 VII. Armeekorps - Münster  (detached for duty to Karl von Witzendorff's General Staff)
09.05.1888 9. Infanterie-Division - Glogau  (on General Staff)
21.09.1889 Füsilier-Regiment ,,GFM Prinz Albrecht v Preußen (Hannoversches) Nr. 73 - Hannover  (Coy Chief)
23.05.1890 Major
23.05.1890 Großherzoglich Hessische (25.) Division - Darmstadt  (General Staff)
14.04.1895 4. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß - Spandau  (Bn Cdr)
12.09.1896 Oberst-Lieutenant
17.12.1896 III. Armeekorps - Berlin  (Friedrich von Liegnitz's Chief of Staff)
01.04.1898 Großer Generalstab - Berlin  (Department Chief)
25.03.1899 Oberst
18.04.1901 Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 5 - Spandau  (Cdr)
27.01.1903 Generalmajor
27.01.1903 14. Infanterie-Brigade - Halberstadt  (Cdr)
24.04.1904 38. Infanterie-Division - Erfurt  (Cdr, replaced Georg von Kleist)
24.01.1907 Generalleutnant
07.07.1909 Preußische Kriegsakademie - Berlin  (Director, replaced Friedrich von Flatow)
07.07.1909 Präses der Studienkommission der Kriegsakademie - Berlin  (KA Study Committee President, concurrent with above)
07.04.1911 General der Infanterie  (charakter)
31.03.1913 zur Disposition gestellt
Great War
02.08.1914 Großer Generalstab - Berlin, Stellvertretender Generalstabschef  (Acting Chief, Great General Staff HQ)
04.01.1915 XIV. Armeekorps - Karlsruhe, Stellvertrender KG  (Acting Cdr at XIV. Corps HQ)
04.08.1916 verabschiedet




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