III. (Wittelsbach) König von Bayern
(07.01.1845 - 18.12.1921)
place of birth: München
Bayern: Seine Majestät der König,

eldest son of Prince Luitpold of Bavaria, Ludwig briefly served in
1912 as Prince Regent in place of his insane cousin Otto, upon the
death of his father Luitpold. With assent of Bavarian Parliament,
Ludwig then deposed Otto by constitutional amendment and
proclamation. He thereafter ruled from 1913 to 1918 as Bavaria's last
the Great War, Ludwig was ceremonially promoted to the rank of
Generalfeldmarschall in August of 1916. He had in fact previously
served as a military commander, having fought against the Prussians
during the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, becoming
wounded while fighting at Helmstadt. Ludwig III's
son Crown Prince Rupprecht and his younger brother Leopold were highly
respected army commanders, both serving the Imperial German Forces at
the rank of field marshal during the Great War.
the eve of revolution in November 1918, Ludwig and
his family ultimately fled Munich, signing a paper that Kurt Eisner's
government termed an abdication. Thus ended 738
continuous years of rule by the Wittelsbach
dynasty. When Eisner died in 1919, Ludwig moved to Vaduz, Liechtenstein
and from there to Schloß Nádasdy
in Sárvár, Hungary,
where he died in October 1921.

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