Alfred Franz Julius Leonhard Höffer von Loewenfeld
(17.08.1848 - 01.12.1927)
place of birth: 
Königreich Preußen:  Stellv KG,  Generaladjutant SM,  General der Infanterie

Prussian General Alfred von Loewenfeld served during the pre-War period as Wilhelm II's Adjutant General. During the Great War, von Loewenfeld held the posting the Guard Corps local commanding officer in Berlin.

Alfred was born into the family of Prussian general Julius von Loewenfeld and Karoline Freiin Schilling von Cannstatt. His older brother Julius also served as a Generalmajor in the Prussian Army. Alfred remained unmarried throughout his lifetime.  He entered military service just prior to the Franco-Prussian War, where he was wounded during the Battle of Gravelotte in August 1870. He remained with his Foot Guards Regiment after the war and enjoyed a relatively privileged career path. Loewenfeld ultimately received the opportunity to serve within the Prussian War Ministry, first as Minister Bronsart von Schellendorf's adjutant, and then later as a ministry department chief.

In 1904, when newly-promoted Generalleutnant von Loewenfeld replaced Helmuth von Moltke as commander 1. Guard Infantry Division, he was simultaneously brought in to Kaiser Wilhelm II's entourage as His Majesty Wilhelm II's Adjutant General. He later served as commanding general of the X. Army Corps in Hannover and subsequently the Guards Corps in Berlin. He was placed on inactive duty status in 1913 but reactivated at mobilization in order to command Guards Corps headquarters during the War.

General der Infanterie  18.02.1908

Eisernes Kreuz II  Deutsch-Französischer Krieg  1870–1871
Schwarzer Adler-Orden  

Curriculum Vitae  
12.03.1869 1. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß - Potsdam
19.07.1870 Deutsch-Französischer Krieg von 1870–1871   (awarded Iron Cross during Franco-Prussian War)
16.09.1870 Sekonde-Lieutenant
06.09.1876 1. Garde-Infanterie-Brigade - Berlin  (Adj)
12.02.1878 Premier-Lieutenant
13.05.1880 Großer Generalstab - Berlin  (detached for duty from 1.Gde InfBde)
11.03.1882 1. Garde-Infanterie-Brigade - Berlin  (Adj)
18.08.1883 Hauptmann
20.11.1888 Preußisches Kriegsministerium - Berlin  (Adj to War Minister Bronsart)
22.03.1889 Major
18.06.1892 3. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß - Berlin  (Bn Cdr)
18.06.1892 Garde-Füsilier-Regiment - Berlin  (on staff)
14.05.1894 Oberst-Lieutenant
13.05.1896 Preußisches Kriegsministerium - Berlin  (Dept Chief)
10.07.1896 diensttuender Flügeladjutant SM des Kaiser und Königs  (Orderly aide-de-camp in HM Wilhelm II's court)
12.09.1896 Schloss-Garde-Kompanie  (Cdr)
22.03.1897 Oberst
15.06.1898 3. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß - Berlin  (Cdr)
21.07.1900 33. Infanterie-Brigade - Altona  (provisional Cdr)
12.08.1900 Generalmajor
12.08.1900 33. Infanterie-Brigade - Altona  (Cdr)
24.04.1904 Generalleutnant
24.04.1904 1. Garde-Infanterie-Division - Berlin  (Cdr, replaced von Moltke)
24.04.1894 Generaladjutant SM des Kaiser und Königs  (Adjutant General in HM Wilhelm II's court)
09.02.1908 X. Armeekorps - Hannover  (provisional Cdr) 
18.02.1908 General der Infanterie
29.05.1908 X. Armeekorps - Hannover  (Cdr, replaced von Bomsdorff) 
29.05.1909 Gardekorps - Berlin  (Cdr, replaced von Kessel)
01.03.1913 zur Disposition gestellt
Great War  
02.08.1914 Generaladjutant SM des Kaiser und Königs  (Adjutant General in HM Wilhelm II's court)
02.08.1914 Gardekorps - Berlin, Stellvertrender KG  (Acting Cdr at Guard Corps HQ)





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