Alexander Adolf August Karl von Linsingen 
(10.02.1850 - 05.06.1935)
place of birth:  Hildesheim  (Hannover)
Königreich Preußen:  OBH,  Generaloberst

General von Linsingen joined the Prussian Army in 1868, rising to corps commander by 1909. He was one of the very few commanding generals who never served on the general staff, but rather had always been a troop commander. Linsingen led II. Corps at the Marne and then transferred to the Eastern Front in 1914. Took command of the South Army (1915) in Galicia, where he received the Pour le Mérite for capturing 60,000 Russian prisoners during the Battle of Stryi. In June 1916, his Army Group faced General Brusilov's offensive, losing the Austrian Fourth Army and its headquarters at Luck, but ultimately checking the Russian advance near Kovel. After Russia was defeated, he became military governor of Berlin (1918) where he opposed revolutionary activities there. After the War, he faced Nazi-inspired discrimination due to his less than "Aryan pure" heritage. Von Linsingen died on 5 June 1935 in Hannover and is buried there at the St. Nikolai Friedhof.

Generaloberst  07.04.1918

Eisernes Kreuz II  Deutsch-Französischer Krieg  1870–1871

Pour le Mérite  14.05.1915  (Eichenlaub:  03.07.1915)
Militär-St-Heinrich  24.10.1916  Ritter/Komtur II
Schwarzer Adler-Orden 27.01.1917

Curriculum Vitae
07.04.1868 4. Westfälisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 17 - Celle
10.11.1868 Portepée-Fähnrich
14.10.1869 Sekonde-Lieutenant
19.07.1870 Deutsch-Französischer Krieg von 1870–1871   (awarded Iron Cross during Franco-Prussian War)
11.05.1871 4. Westfälisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 17 - Mühlhausen im Elsass
12.08.1872 Landwehr-Regiment Nr. 17 - Düsseldorf  (Bn Adjutant, det from IR17)
01.11.1874 4. Westfälisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 17 - Mühlhausen im Elsass   (Regt Adjutant)
27.09.1877 38. Infanterie-Brigade - Hannover  (Bde Adjutant)
27.09.1877 Premier-Lieutenant
29.03.1878 39. Infanterie-Brigade - Hannover  (Bde Adjutant)
18.04.1882 11. Infanterie-Brigade - Berlin  (Bde Adjutant)
21.11.1882 Hauptmann
21.11.1882 4. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß - Berlin
16.05.1888 31. Infanterie-Division - Straßburg  (Adjutant)
22.05.1889 XIV. Armeekorps - Karlsruhe  (Adjutant)
21.09.1889 Major
15.12.1890 Infanterie-Regiment Hamburg (2. Hanseatisches) Nr. 76 - Hamburg  (III.Bn Cdr in Lübeck) 
18.06.1895 Oberst-Lieutenant
18.06.1895 Grenadier-Regiment ,,König Friedrich Wilhelm IV (1. Pommersches) Nr. 2 - Stettin  (on regimental staff)
18.11.1897 Oberst
18.11.1897 Grenadier-Regiment ,,König Friedrich der Große (3. Ostpreußisches) Nr. 4 - Rastenburg  (Cdr)
16.06.1901 Generalmajor
16.06.1901 81. Infanterie-Brigade - Lübeck  (Cdr) 
22.04.1905 Generalleutnant
22.04.1905 27. Infanterie-Division - Ulm  (Cdr)
01.09.1909 General der Infanterie
01.09.1909 II. Armeekorps - Stettin  (Cdr)
Great War
02.08.1914 II. Armeekorps  =  1. Armee
11.01.1915 Süd-Armee
06.07.1915 Bug-Armee
09.09.1915 Heeresgruppe Linsingen  (concurrent with above)
07.04.1918 Generaloberst
01.06.1918 Oberkommando in den Marken - Gouverneur von Berlin
17.11.1918 zur Disposition gestellt




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