Robert Paul Theodor Kosch 
(05.04.1856 - 22.12.1942)
place of birth:  Glatz, Niederschlesien  (Klodzko, PL)
Königreich Preußen:  OBH,  General der Infanterie

Imperial German general Robert Kosch served during the Great War at the division, corps, and field army level. He was the youngest of ten children, born in Silesia to Hermann and Agnes Kosch. Launching his military career in 1874, Kosch earned his way up through the ranks, ultimately commanding a division in Posen. As War broke out in Europe, Kosch lead his 10th Infantry Division troops into battle in Lorraine, France. 

In October 1914, Kosch was transferred to the Eastern Front to replace General von Francois at I. Army Corps headquarters in Lithuania, fighting in support of Hindenburg's Eighth Army. Here the Germans initially struggled against the numerically superior Russian forces but were ultimately victorious during the Winter Battle of Masurian Lakes. It was for his distinguished service and leadership during this campaign that General Kosch was awarded the Pour le Merite. In June 1915, Kosch replaced General von Eben as X. Army Corps commander and in support of Germany's Südarmee as they pushed across the River Dniester and battled at Gnisa Lipa. He was then dispatched to the Balkan Front, where he had the 101st and 103rd Infantry Divisions under his command. His troops participated in the routing of Serb forces during heavy combat in the mountainous region. Kosch was once again recognized by the Kaiser for his skillful command, this time with the addition of the oak leaves to his Blue Max.

Generalleutnant Kosch was transferred in February 1916 to fight near Verdun on the Western Front. Later that year in August, he was promoted to General der Infanterie and placed in command of the newly-formed GenKdo Nr 52. This unit was engaged in Bulgaria, fighting along the Danube Front against the Romanian Army. In May of 1917, he received command of Ninth Army which pushed the Romanian forces back to the capital city of Bucharest, which the Germans captured in short order, sealing Romania's fate. With the dissolution of the Donau-Armee in March 1918, Kosch and his GenKdo 52 troops were tasked with the occupation of Ukraine. After signing of the Armistice, Kosch accompanied his soldiers back to the homeland for demobilization and subsequent retirement. General Kosch passed away in 1942 and was laid to rest in the Invalidenfriedhof in Berlin.

General der Infanterie  18.08.1916

Pour le Mérite  20.02.1915  (Eichenlaub:  27.11.1915)

Curriculum Vitae
23.04.1874 Sekonde-Lieutenant
23.04.1874 4. Niederschlesisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 51 - Breslau
00.00.1877 Preußische Kriegsakademie - Berlin
00.00.1880 4. Niederschlesisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 51 - Breslau
01.04.1881 1. Unter-Elsässisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 132 - Straßburg i. E.
16.05.1885 Premier-Lieutenant
01.04.1887 Großer Generalstab - Berlin
22.12.1887 Hauptmann
00.00.1888 Infanterie-Regiment ,,Herzog von Holstein (1. Holsteinisches) Nr. 85 - Rendsburg
00.00.1894 Infanterie-Regiment ,,von der Goltz (7. Pommersches) Nr. 54  (Coy Cdr)
19.03.1896 Major
00.00.0000 Eisenbahnlinien-Kommissar - Köln
00.00.1901 9. Lothringisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 173 - St Avold  (Bn Cdr & regimental staff)
17.05.1902 Oberstleutnant
00.00.1902 Infanterie-Regiment ,,von Goeben (2. Rheinisches) Nr. 28 - Ehrenbreitstein  (on regimental staff)
22.04.1905 Oberst
00.00.1905 Landwehr-Bezirk II - Berlin  (Cdr)
16.02.1907 Infanterie-Regiment ,,GFM Prinz Friedrich Karl von Preußen (8. Brandenburgisches) Nr. 64 - Prenzlau   (Cdr)
00.00.1909 Generalmajor
19.06.1909 78. Infanterie-Brigade - Brieg  (Cdr)
22.04.1912 Generalleutnant
04.06.1912 10. Infanterie-Division - Posen  (Cdr, replaced Farne)
Great War
02.08.1914 10. Infanterie-Division  =  5. Armee
08.10.1914 I. Armeekorps   (replaced Hermann von Francois)
01.09.1914 V. Armeekorps  (replaced Hermann von Strantz)
11.06.1915 X. Reservekorps  (replaced Johannes von Eben)
18.08.1916 General der Infanterie
28.08.1916 Generalkommando z.b.V. Nr.52  (aka Donau-Amee in Romania until Jan 1917 )
01.05.1917 9. Armee  (replaced Erich von Falkenhayn)
10.01.1919 zur Disposition gestellt




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