Hans Albrecht Heinrich Friedrich von Gontard
(28.01.1861 - 20.06.1931)
place of birth: Wesel
Preußen: Generaladjutant SM, Generalleutnant
Hans von Gontard served most of the
Great War as Kaiser Wilhelm II.'s diensttuender General à la suite.
In 1904, von Gontard was designated Flügeladjutant SM des Kaiser und Königs (aide-de-camp
in HM Wilhelm II's royal suite). He was promoted to Generalleutnant a few months
prior to mobilization in 1914 and was later elevated to duty Generaladjutant
and the assistant to the Hofmarschall (Marshal of the Court) in the
royal entourage. In the wake of the War's end and Wilhelm's abdication,
Generalleutnant von Gontard followed the Kaiser into his exile in the
Netherlands and continued serving as Hofmarschall.
Generalleutnant |
17.02.1914 |