Walther Franz Georg Bronsart von Schellendorff
(21.12.1833 - 13.12.1914)
place of birth:  Danzig, Westpreußen  (Gdansk, Poland)
Königreich Preußen:  Kriegsminister, Generaladjutant SM, General der Infanterie

Prussian military officer Walther Bronsart von Schellendorff served as Prussian War Minister prior to the Great War. Walther was born into the home of an old Prussian noble family, his father the former General of Infantry Heinrich Bronsart von Schellendorff, and his mother Antoinette Drège. Walther was married to Harriet Donner. He entered the Prussian Guards in 1849 and was appointed to the general staff in 1861 as a captain. He saw action during the Second Schleswig War of 1864, although his service time during the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 was spent at the Kaiser's headquarters in Berlin. During the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, he served as IX. Corps Chief of General Staff.

After the Great War, Bronsart
worked his way up to divisional commander by 1884, and took command of III. Corps in 1888. He retired from active service in 1893 and that same year replaced Hans von Kaltenborn-Stachau as Prussian War Minister, a position he served in through August 1896. Walther's older brother Paul had also headed up the Prussian War Minister ten years previous. Walther died in December 1914 at his Marienhof estate located in the district of Güstrow.


Kriegsminister   17.10.1893  -  14.08.1896
General der Infanterie  13.08.1889
Erinnerungs-Kreuz Deutscher Krieg  1866

Eisernes Kreuz I  Deutsch-Französischer Krieg  1870–1871
Schwarzer Adler-Orden  


 * image courtesy of Dr. Günter Bronsart v. Schellendorff



Curriculum Vitae
26.04.1851 Grenadier-Regiment ,,Kronprinz (1. Ostpreußisches) Nr. 1 - Königsberg
09.12.1852 Sekonde-Lieutenant
00.00.1855 Allgemeine Kriegsschule
00.00.1858 Grenadier-Regiment ,,Kronprinz (1. Ostpreußisches) Nr. 1 - Königsberg
00.00.1859 I. Armeekorps - Königsberg  (Adjutant on Franz von Werder's general staff)
01.07.1860 Premier-Lieutenant
01.07.1860 Großer Generalstab - Berlin  (Topographic Section)
04.03.1862 Hauptmann
01.02.1864 Deutsch-Dänischer Krieg von 1864   (participant in the 2nd Schleswig War of 1864)
15.06.1866 Der Deutsche Krieg von 1866  (in Kaiser Wilhelm I's HQ during the Austro-Prussian War of 1866)
30.10.1866 Major
00.00.1866 17. Infanterie-Division - Kiel  (on general staff) 
00.00.1869 1. Nassauisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 87 - Mainz  (Bn Cdr)
18.07.1870 IX. Armeekorps - Altona  (Albrecht von Manstein's Chief of Staff)
19.07.1870 Deutsch-Französischer Krieg von 1870–1871   (awarded Iron Cross during Franco-Prussian War)
28.08.1871 XIII. Armeekorps - Stuttgart  (Wolf Ferdinand von Stülpnagel's Chief of Staff)
18.08.1871 Oberst-Lieutenant
02.09.1873 Oberst
01.06.1875 Infanterie-Brigade  (Cdr) 
13.05.1879 34. Infanterie-Brigade - Schwerin  (Cdr) 
03.02.1880 Generalmajor
17.12.1881 X. Armeekorps - Hannover  (Prince Albrecht's Chief of Staff)
23.09.1884 unknown 
11.11.1884 General-Lieutenant
21.08.1884 17. Infanterie-Division - Schwerin  (Cdr, replaced Graf von Wartensleben-Carow)
12.07.1888 III. Armeekorps - Berlin  (Cdr, replaced Graf von Wartensleben-Carow)
13.08.1889 General der Infanterie
24.03.1890 X. Armeekorps - Hannover  (Cdr, replaced Leo von Caprivi)
27.01.1893 zur Disposition gestellt 
17.10.1893 reactivated
17.10.1893 Preußisches Kriegsministerium:  Kriegsminister - Berlin  (Minister of War, replaced von Kaltenborn-Stachau)
14.08.1896 resigns from Kriegsministerium
00.00.1897 Generaladjutant SM des Kaiser und Königs  (Adjutant General in HM Wilhelm II's court)
Great War
02.08.1914 Generaladjutant SM des Kaiser und Königs  (Adjutant General in HM Wilhelm II's court)




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