Friedrich Wilhelm Graf von Waldersee
(01.09.1860 - 07.09.1932)
place of birth: Brandenburg an der Havel
Preußen: AOK-Stabschef,
General (Kav)
German general officer Georg Graf von Waldersee, the nephew
of Prussian Chief of General Staff Alfred von Waldersee, briefly
served as Eighth Army Command's Chief of Staff as the Great
War broke out on the Eastern Front. He was fired at the end
of August 1914 along with his commander Generaloberst von Prittwitz,
when German Supreme Army Command replaced them with the historic
pairing of Generals von Hindenburg and Ludendorff. Prior to the Great
War, von Waldersee had served as von Bissing's VII. Army Corps Chief of
Staff and was also a Senior Quartermaster on Germany's Great General
Staff. He later served as Governor-General of Sevastapol.
General Graf von Waldersee died in 1932 in Ivenack
Generalmajor |
22.03.1912 |