Johannes Friedrich Leopold "Hans" von Seeckt
(22.04.1866 - 27.12.1936)
place of birth:  Schleswig
Königreich Preußen:  AOK-Stabschef,  Generalmajor

Hans "the Sphinx" von Seeckt was best-known for his post-War organization of the German Reichswehr.  As Germany launched the Great War, von Seeckt was Lochow's Chief of Staff in III. Corps (attached to Kluck's First Army); by 1915 he transferred to Chief of Staff for Mackensen's Eleventh Army in Galicia where he fought at Gorlice-Tarnow, earning the Pour le Merite. He also served as Chief of Staff for Austro-Hungarian commanders: Pflanzer-Baltin, Archduke Karl and Archduke Joseph. The final year of the war saw him in the Middle East attached to the Turkish Army. 

After the Armistice was signed, von Seeckt was promoted Generalleutnant and went to Koenigsberg to oversee the evacuation. He then served as Reichswehr Chief of General Staff (1919-1926) and was ultimately promoted to colonel general. During that time, von Seeckt earned the reputation as a bitter enemy of the Weimar Republic. General von Seeckt also served in German Congress and later functioned as Chiang Kai-shek's military advisor in China (1933-35).

Generalmajor  26.06.1915

Pour le Mérite  14.05.1915

Curriculum Vitae  
00.00.1885 ,,Kaiser Alexander Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 1 - Berlin  (Avantageur)
15.01.1887 Sekonde-Lieutenant
00.00.1893 Preußische Kriegsakademie - Berlin
27.01.1894 Premier-Lieutenant
00.00.1897 III. Armeekorps - Berlin  (on von Lignitz' General Staff)
00.00.0000 Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 5 - Spandau
25.03.1899 Großer Generalstab - Berlin  (detached from GR-5)
27.01.1900 Hauptmann
00.00.1901 XVII. Armeekorps - Berin  (on staff)
22.03.1902 Niederrheinisches Füsilier-Regiment Nr. 39 - Düsseldorf  (Coy Cdr)
25.07.1904 4. Infanterie-Division - Bromberg  (on Egon von Schulz' General Staff)
17.11.1906 Major
06.04.1909 II. Armeekorps - Stettin  (on Josias von Heeringen's General Staff)
20.02.1912 Badisches Leib-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 109 - Karlsruhe  (Bn Cdr)
01.04.1913 III. Armeekorps - Berin  (Ewald von Lochow's Chief of Staff)
04.04.1913 Oberstleutnant
Great War  
02.08.1914 III. Armeekorps  (Ewald von Lochow's Chief of Staff)
27.01.1915 Oberst
09.03.1915 11. Armee  (Max von Fabeck and August von Mackensen's Chief of Staff)
27.04.1915 Heeresgruppe Kiew  (August von Mackensen's Chief of Staff, concurrent with above)
26.06.1915 Generalmajor
18.09.1915 Heeresgruppe Mackensen - Galizien/Südpolen  (August von Mackensen's Chief of Staff)
01.06.1916 Offizier von der Armee
01.06.1916 7. k.u.k. Armee  (Pflanzer-Baltin's Chief of Staff)
00.10.1916 Heeresgruppe Erzherzog Karl  (Chief of Staff)
00.12.1916 Heeresgruppe Erzherzog Joseph  (Chief of Staff)
00.12.1917 Osmanische Armee  (Turkish Army Chief of Staff)
01.01.1919 Armee-Oberkommando-Nord - Bartenstein  (Cdr) 




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