00.00.1885 |
,,Kaiser Alexander”
Nr. 1 - Berlin (Avantageur) |
15.01.1887 |
Sekonde-Lieutenant |
00.00.1893 |
Kriegsakademie - Berlin |
27.01.1894 |
Premier-Lieutenant |
00.00.1897 |
III. Armeekorps - Berlin (on von Lignitz' General Staff) |
00.00.0000 |
Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 5 - Spandau |
25.03.1899 |
Großer Generalstab
- Berlin (detached from GR-5) |
27.01.1900 |
Hauptmann |
00.00.1901 |
XVII. Armeekorps -
Berin (on staff) |
22.03.1902 |
Füsilier-Regiment Nr. 39 - Düsseldorf (Coy
Cdr) |
25.07.1904 |
4. Infanterie-Division -
Bromberg (on Egon von Schulz' General Staff) |
17.11.1906 |
Major |
06.04.1909 |
II. Armeekorps -
Stettin (on Josias von
Heeringen's General Staff) |
20.02.1912 |
Leib-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 109 - Karlsruhe (Bn Cdr) |
01.04.1913 |
III. Armeekorps -
Berin (Ewald von
Lochow's Chief of Staff) |
04.04.1913 |
Oberstleutnant |
War |
02.08.1914 |
III. Armeekorps (Ewald von Lochow's Chief of
Staff) |
27.01.1915 |
Oberst |
09.03.1915 |
11. Armee (Max von Fabeck and August von
Mackensen's Chief of Staff) |
27.04.1915 |
Heeresgruppe Kiew (August von Mackensen's Chief
of Staff, concurrent with above) |
26.06.1915 |
Generalmajor |
18.09.1915 |
Heeresgruppe Mackensen -
(August von Mackensen's Chief of Staff) |
01.06.1916 |
Offizier von der Armee |
01.06.1916 |
7. k.u.k. Armee (Pflanzer-Baltin's Chief of
Staff) |
00.10.1916 |
Heeresgruppe Erzherzog Karl (Chief of Staff) |
00.12.1916 |
Heeresgruppe Erzherzog
Joseph (Chief of Staff) |
00.12.1917 |
Osmanische Armee (Turkish Army Chief of Staff) |
01.01.1919 |
Armee-Oberkommando-Nord -
Bartenstein (Cdr) |

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