Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel
(15.11.1891 - 14.10.1944)
place of birth:  Heidenheim an der Brenz, Württemberg

Königreich Preußen:  Hauptmann,  Generalfeldmarschall  (WW2)

A future Wehrmacht Field Marshal and the "Desert Fox" of the Second World War, Erwin Rommel also had a distinguished career during the Great War, serving in France, Russia, and Italy. His father Erwin Sr., a school administrator, had served as an artillery officer.

In the summer of 1914
, as Germany mobilized for war, Rommel was a lieutenant and company commander in an infantry regiment. By late August, he had already demonstrated his military leadership in the Longwy area, earning the Iron Cross 2nd Class the Iron Cross 1st Class.

Rommel was then assigned
to the Württemberg Mountain Battalion, attached to the Alpenkorps, a unit which soon transferred to Romania for the successful attack on Bucharest in November 1915. October 1917 saw his 200-man battalion moving to the Italian Alps, where they played a leading role in the breakthrough at Caporetto. For this his bravery and leadership, was also awarded the Pour le Merite. As a highly respected and successful Wehrmacht field marshal during World War Two, Erwin Rommel found himself involved on the fringes of the assassination plot against Hitler and was ultimately coerced into taking his own life (in order to protect his family's honor) at the age of 52.

Hauptmann  18.10.1918

Pour le Mérite  10.12.1917 

Curriculum Vitae  
00.07.1910 Infanterie-Regiment ,,König Wilhelm I (6. Württembergisches) Nr. 124 - Weingarten  (Fahnenjunker)
00.03.1911 Königliche Kadettenschule - Danzig
30.01.1912 Leutnant
00.01.1912 Infanterie-Regiment ,,König Wilhelm I (6. Württembergisches) Nr. 124 - Weingarten
01.03.1914 3. Württembergisches Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 49 - Ulm  (on special assignment)
Great War  
02.08.1914 Infanterie-Regiment ,,König Wilhelm I (6. Württembergisches) Nr. 124  =  5. Armee 
18.09.1915 Oberleutnant
00.10.1915 niglich Württembergisches Gebirgsbataillon  (Coy Cdr)
00.01.1918 Generalkommando z.b.V. Nr.64  (von Urach's Aide-de-Camp) 
18.10.1918 Hauptmann
22.06.1942 Generalfeldmarschall - Wehrmacht




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